Hi guys been unable to hold down any sort of structure to a routine for some time but I'm back to HST was wondering what you guys think can be done to improve this routine
S L Dead-Lift
Incl Bench Press
Dumbell Rows
Standing Calf Raise
Skull Crushers
DB Curls on incline bench
Stnding Calf Raise
seated Calf Raise
BTW I really want to Bring up my upper Arms and Calves
and I work out Mon-Fri mornings b4 work
was thinking about Clustering half way into the 10's, then add some metabolic stress tchniques from there through 5's and into the negs (I may switch the exersices for the negs)
please any ideas to better the routine
Diet Wise I'm taking a Whey Supp pre workout and a Milk based shake post WO
S L Dead-Lift
Incl Bench Press
Dumbell Rows
Standing Calf Raise
Skull Crushers
DB Curls on incline bench
Stnding Calf Raise
seated Calf Raise
BTW I really want to Bring up my upper Arms and Calves
and I work out Mon-Fri mornings b4 work
was thinking about Clustering half way into the 10's, then add some metabolic stress tchniques from there through 5's and into the negs (I may switch the exersices for the negs)
please any ideas to better the routine

Diet Wise I'm taking a Whey Supp pre workout and a Milk based shake post WO