Just had one of the most awesome days in my entire life. I'm in a state that psychiatrists call "hypomania", not quite full mania which is pretty intense and sometimes psychotic! But hypomania is a whole different animal! It's actually great, as we bipolar brained people can experience higher highs (and lower lows) than normal brained people.
Of course, the downside of having bipolar disorder, is that we can also experience very bad lows and severe depression. 1 in 5 bipolar people commit suicide. But not me, I tend to stay more on the "mania" side of the spectrum, which is a blessing, as I'm high as hell sometimes!!!
So basically, right now I'm living in heaven! I feel like James Bond, Conan the Barbarian, and Batman, all at the same time!
I won't even go into all the private details of my day, but suffice to say, "it was fucking awesome!"
One of the best days of my life.
Of course, the best day on my life included HST!
Cable Row: pyramid up to 220x6! PRish, not quite.
Pulldown: pyramid up to 220x7
Bench Press: pyramid up to 225x7
Seated Press: 145x6 PRish, not sure.
Leg Press: 540x8,5
Calf Raise: 360x9,8