Shortest effective cycles


New Member
I'm looking to build more muscle as well as cut some body fat. Anyone have any ideas how short I can make my cycles and still work? Reason is, I hate dieting and to be honest after a few weeks of bulking, I really start to lose my appetite. Would one week each way work? Or 1/2 week? Maybe just maintanence calories?
I think 1 week of cutting wont my opinion the effective minimum is somewhere around 4-8 weeks for bulking and 2-6 weeks cutting....depends on your body

you can make bulking and cutting really smoothly so you wont feel that negative effects of it
I don't know if it's just me, but cutting is a lot easier. When "bulking," I really have to force feed myself all day long to gain any weight. If I just eat when I'm hungry, that turns out to be cutting. This week I just ate when I was hungry, going high on protein, and lost an inch and a half off the waist without losing anything else.