[b said:
Quote[/b] ]If you not doing any shoulder exercises already, I recommend adding in military presses. God I love those.
I am a big fan of the arnold press, but to each his own.
As far as the shoulder issue, make sure that you use proper form. Strength is a concern, but I think unless you are abnormally weak in that area, it might not be the cause. In a BARBELL bench press, these would be the things that I would look for:
1) scapular retraction
2) lower arm is perpendicular to the floor
3) path of the bar is correct (there are probably numerous opinons on the right way to lift the bar, but after I started the "arching" path, my strength and gains went up while shoulder soreness went down)
When using dumbells, (I think) all of these still apply. Also, you can try using a "hammer" grip (palms facing each other on the lift) as this seems to reduce some stress on rotator cuff and possibly shoulder.
This is the advantage of doing full or at least some 15s. You have many reps at light weights to perfect form (I LOVE HST!!!