Hi Adpowah, glad someone was actually listening 
All your points are well taken. I have actually been doing more SS than HST, being 55 now. I have SSv3 and PPv3, hang out on Rippetoe's forum a good bit, so know where you are coming from. I disagree with Rip on a few minor points, but overall SS is quite solid.
My main point is that any activity trains the metabolism in a very specific way and carry over is far less than 100%. Sure, treadmill in the winter is better for your running than doing nothing, as the transfer is high, as opposed to say, sky diving. My attempt was to get the OP to not be surprised when performance drops going back to running outdoors.
My Vo2Max example was just a data point of all the many metabolic adaptations that occur.
In my own case: former (many years ago!) LSU special teams / db. Power cleans had about zero transfer to firing off the line. It is too skill based. However, good old squats have huge transfer due to hypertrophy and a good bit of hip drive carry over. LSU had a good S&C program back in the day, as compared to all the functional nonsense D1 and Pros are doing today. It did help my speed and strength, 40 yd got down to 4.35 in 1 year. But my mile time did not change that much, basic SAID
I should have initially explained my LISS stance better. I also do LISS in the form of walking and yard work. Of course they help with recovery and all, but my point was, if you switch activities you will notice a loss in performance as the skill component as well as the metabolism are different. Maffetone et al using the 220 minus your age for LISS seems to be a good rule of thumb. But, realize that the changes in metabolism from LISS are happening in the muscles, not your internal organs.

All your points are well taken. I have actually been doing more SS than HST, being 55 now. I have SSv3 and PPv3, hang out on Rippetoe's forum a good bit, so know where you are coming from. I disagree with Rip on a few minor points, but overall SS is quite solid.
My main point is that any activity trains the metabolism in a very specific way and carry over is far less than 100%. Sure, treadmill in the winter is better for your running than doing nothing, as the transfer is high, as opposed to say, sky diving. My attempt was to get the OP to not be surprised when performance drops going back to running outdoors.
My Vo2Max example was just a data point of all the many metabolic adaptations that occur.
In my own case: former (many years ago!) LSU special teams / db. Power cleans had about zero transfer to firing off the line. It is too skill based. However, good old squats have huge transfer due to hypertrophy and a good bit of hip drive carry over. LSU had a good S&C program back in the day, as compared to all the functional nonsense D1 and Pros are doing today. It did help my speed and strength, 40 yd got down to 4.35 in 1 year. But my mile time did not change that much, basic SAID

I should have initially explained my LISS stance better. I also do LISS in the form of walking and yard work. Of course they help with recovery and all, but my point was, if you switch activities you will notice a loss in performance as the skill component as well as the metabolism are different. Maffetone et al using the 220 minus your age for LISS seems to be a good rule of thumb. But, realize that the changes in metabolism from LISS are happening in the muscles, not your internal organs.