[b said:
Quote[/b] (vicious @ June 15 2005,2:53)]Lance, how do you like the results so far? Notice the muscle size is about the same (or dare I say, even gained a little?) How is the DOMS? etc. etc.
While cutting or when i bulked?
Cutting's a little harder going with the heavy weights. At first the DOMs is pretty bad, but i like that feeling the next day. Body all tight and pumped feeling. Feel like it's primed and ready to go at all times.
Muscle grew a bit at first, but i had a set back with a month of not being able to train. I was happy to get back most of what i finished off with during the previous bulk.
Bulking with this heavy style was amazing. Couldn't wait to get into the gym, it's so fun pumping the heavy iron AND having plenty of energy (calories

) to do so. My arms exploded while doing this. Once you start getting into those negatives with some loaded stretches, wooh! They went from 16.1-2 to 16.5 within a couple weeks. Honestly. It was crazy. I didn't measure my other body parts, arms are just easy to measure, but full body was really growing very fast. Shirt off, the overall thickness was really showing. Shirt on, you could feel your #### tugging at your back, chest, shoulders, arms, etc. Very cool stuff. I can't see myself training any other way unless i start getting injury problems or something.
It's easy to manage TUT when you're not switching rep ranges. Other variables are added though. Metabolic work, specializing, etc. It's fun though, has taken my HST experience to the next level and it continues to evolve cycle to cycle.