I think WSB is approximately teh best current concept, or more specifically conjugate periodization is the best method of strength gains.
Whether there would be any differences between other variations on conjugate adn westside is anotehr story, but in terms of research probably enver likely to happen.
I think the way lyles PL training is heading is a good compromise, but then again probably because that was teh way I was heading

especially utilizing variations of auto-regulation of loading, and ME exercises for weak points.
Working in the exercises to specific weakpoints is the goal, adn difficult to perfect on ones own.
But also, novices also need to understand thre is no point getting into the depth of conjugate and various westside style concepts like Micro cycles of band tension, % this that and the next thing, as they are not important in the overall picture, but merely the icing on teh cake. many get caught up in needing 50% of your 1rm for speed days and sets have to be done in 3seconds, without understanding that their technique has gone to the dumps. Nor that they speed box squat wider than their actual squatting is done. Adn ME box exercises should mimic the free weight technique, but get caught up in all the little pieces without looking at hte overall.
Ah, rant ends
Im sick and doing thesis work that I do not want to be doing.
In terms of mixibng strength specifc trainign to hypertrophy trainign you will always have a compromise. Two goals that while require training with weights to achieve them have a slightly different path to take.
You can be strong and big, but you can be big without being 'strong' and strong without being 'big'
I think I would tack on an extra 2 week cycle on the end of the normal period (after negs or really after 5s) and do multiple sets of 2-3rm, worked out via prileprins table and follow that by a couple of drop sets. Do limited volume and reduce the frequency somewhat. After that start abck into SD adn go into the 15s. DOnt be surprised if you dont carry all teh strength over into the next cycle, but there should be some gain each time.