[b said:
Quote[/b] (Actarus @ Sep. 13 2004,8:32)]I guess you are on drugs. I'm natural and know the difference between juicers and naturals. You'll very rarely see 18'' lean arms on natural lifters but it's common and even 'small' for "hard juicers". I don't say you don't need to train if you are on juice I say it's easier to make progress.
If Lee Priest (short forearm - good leverages and probably a powerfull CNS) wanted to won a strict curl competition I bet all my money he could win, because his muscular mass is huge. Curl is not a very hard movement to learn, a few month doing low reps curl and he would be ready.
For movements like Squat and Deadlift and Bench press that's another thing but Tom Platz was not too bad at Squat and Ronnie can deadlift some weights. BBs couldn't come and win all powerlifting competitions. Maybe they could win competitions on single joint exercices.
I do use various ergogens to help achieve my goals.
"I'm natural and know the difference between juicers and naturals."
That's a pretty neat superpower, duuuuuuude.
What you fail to realize is that I, unlike you, have been able to observe the situation from both the standpoint of the natural lifter AND the enhanced lifter.
"...but it's common and even 'small' for "hard juicers"."
No, it isn't. Most juicers, hard (whatever the heck that is supposed to mean) or otherwise, do not attain 18-inch lean arms. Again, you lack perspective.
Plenty of guys can take 2 grams of test a week, along with 8-10 ius of GH, as well as Humalog, and reach a whopping 175 with raging gyno, fat stomachs, and gargantuan fifteen-inch arms. I know because I have seen it happen.
"I say it's easier to make progress."
This depends on the level, relative to the starting point, the individual has attained before using.
Could Flex Wheeler win a Curl competition against the current standard competitors? Lee Priest may be good at it, with the proper training, but many others would be poor. You should watch pros train. Most of the time, if you know what truly good form is, you'll be left shaking your head. Try to catch Paul Dillet actually training, and then get back to me.
Ronnie focuses on powerlifts, and -IIRC- competed in it early on in his lifting career.
Tom Platz squatted for reps. College kids smash his 1RM everyday.
Just because someone is more accomplished than you are at performing a feat of strength does not mean they are necessarily good at it. It just means you need to get out more.
Likewise, if someone is bigger than you, perhaps you are simply less determined than that person is.
"I'm natural and know the difference between juicers and naturals."
I guess you determine it by whether or not the person is stronger, bigger, and/or leaner than you are.