As a drug free powerlifter I always noted that once the calorie supply was reduced to anything like maintenance, the strength gains dried up. I found powerlifting when hungry to be a S_H_I _T experience, at best you lose a little strength in return for fat loss. However I find that even on a pretty tight diet I can go up in little bodybuilding exercises like curls, raises, extensions, shrugs and especially chins and dips which are body weight reliant for resistance.
I think its probably best to dedicate years to eating quite well and gaining weight until your lifts do not improve. Then start bodybuilding, cos powerlifting the same weights or less is no fun at all. Of course from a health perspective this may not be optimum....
Thats my opinion. For a short while my 210k squat was a national unequipped Masters record in the UK, and my 260k unequipped dead at 96k is still a North East record, so I know a little about the game.