Supplements to increase appetite

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Anyone know of any supplements to help increase your appetite, nothing like boldione or any other PH.
This would be interesting for me to know aswell. I can't always get a full meal while I'm at work and if I leave the hunger too long, it just goes.

About Fenugreek:
minimizes symptoms of menopause, relieves constipation,
controls diabetes, reduces cholesterol, soothes sore throat pain and coughs,
eases minor indigestion, relieves diarrhea

Couldn't find anything about appetite though.
Yeah, I guess some parts of fenugreek are thought to increase appetite (the resin), and others actually blunt appetite (the fiber).

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Resin is very hygroscopic and contains most of the bioactive compounds of fenugreek. Most of the resin manufactured today is used in the flavor industry. Some of the important saponins are diosgenin, yamogenin and gitogenin, which serve as a source of sterols for the pharmaceutical industry. These sterols serve as appetite stimulants which is useful for elderly and anorexic patients, as a source of pro-estrogens in menopause, and activate anabolic effects in building lean body mass.

A dose of 250 mg to 500 mg per day is adequate to help manage loss of appetite in the anorexic, to relieve symptoms of menopause, including vaginal dryness, and to remedy memory impairment.


The only product I know that contains these fenugreek saponins is Syntrax's Fuzu. There must be others, though.
Zinc is supposed to increase appetite but I don't know much you need to take to notice it.

Also, fizzy drinks like lemonade.
the 7th Feb issue of science, vol.299 pp846-852 (the magazine not journal) contains a section on obesity. I remember reading a review of the molecular signals the body uses for bodyweight regulation. It focused on appetite regualtion pathways. Also new drug developments. Not sure if that might help.
But there was also some interesting information about leptin et al.
Im pretty sure that 'science' is online.
Unfortunately most research on appetite is on how to reduce it.
If you have problems eating enough, you have to work on increasing energy density, eating more white/processed foods, eating liquid meals with plenty in them, adding reasonable amounts of fat.
Eating small meals often is another option
Yeah, I find it really amazing that there's almost no information on the net about gaining weight. Even sites that have general info on building muscle don't go into depth about diet or appetite. " protein..." is about as far as they go.

My appetite has gone up slightly while on HST though.
What really worked for me, and I have a sickeningly fast metabolism, was to grab lots and lots of solid food, as well as two glasses of milk and a bowl of soup with crackers dissolved in it. I would work on the solid food until I absolutely couldn't stomach anymore, then finish off the soup and the second glass of milk for an additional 300-400 calories. This was an easy option for me since I get my food through a college dining commons.

I know this started as a supplement question but
try eating 1 oz of nuts a few times a day.
(almonds, walnuts ... I forget why peanuts aren't the best choice)

1oz = 200 cals , 7 gms of Pro, 15 gms of Fat.

That's 400 - 600 more cals a day from a few handfuls of nuts.

Thanks for the replys bros.

My main problem is getting enough cals a day I never knew almonds and walnuts had so much in them.

How would I measure out 1oz?
Cashews have the most calories/nut by a significant degree. This I remember from an 8th-grade nut-burning experiment. :D
