T-Dog's Training Log

"Skipping" was an incorrect wording on my part. Postponing is what I meant. I did skip Deadlifts last night, but I plan on incorporating them in on my next workout. I am doing squats then also, but I just started my 10s - so I really don't have a concern about doing both at this point.

I hear that Deadlifts are a fantastic movement for strength and to build muscle. I have to rely on what people tell me, because this is my only lift that I don't see/feel growth from. The muscles in my lower back are usually tight afterward, but I don't feel one area specifically that is affected. No like Bench Press, Squats or a Latt exercise. Maybe that's because it hits many different muscles as to not put too much stress on any one specific muscle or muscle groups. I really don't know.

But, I will continue to use this exercise as near EVERYONE agrees of its benefits. This is also a fairly new exercise to me and I haven't really pushed myself on this exercise. So I am a bit eager to see how my weight progression goes.
February 11th
I added the Deadlifts back in my workout, and even though my lifts are still relatively light, I felt a tightness in my quads the rest of the day. I don't regred completing them, I will just need to watch this. With the increase in my physical activity, my legs are getting more exercise then before with the volleyball. Which is going great. I love it!

Bench Press - 140lbs 2x12
Squats - 160lbs 2x10
O.H Press - 70lbs 2x12
Seated Row - 135lbs 2x12
Deadlift - 160lbs 1x10
D.B Press - 110lbs 1x12
Latt Pulldown - 100 2x10
Arm Iso's

These weights are not real heavy yet, so my workouts are going pretty quick. With all the exercises that I have chosen, I expected my workouts to take longer. My 5x5 workout took roughly 60 minutes. These are taking about 35-40 minutes. I am feeling strong and can still put up 2 sets of 12. I will continue this for as long as I can. I will drop to sets of 10 when I can no longer do 2 sets of 12.
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February 14th
This past weekend was a busy one. I took my family on a benefit walk for our town's Mission. It was really neat. We raised some $ walking and participated with about 1,200 other people including our cities fire department. It was memorable. I also took about a 1 hr walk on Sunday afternoon. With this much extra exercise and the volleyball, my lower back is a bit sore.

Bench Press - 140lbs 1x10 / 1x12
Squat - 160lbs 2x10
O.H. Press - 70lbs 1x10 / 1x12
Seated Row - 135lbs 2x12
D.B Press/Squeez - 110lbs 1x10
Latt Pulldown - 100lbs 2x10
Arm Iso's
I had to work late and got off to a late start for my workout. I rushed things and only took about 30 minutes. I completed all my sets but found my endurance lacking a bit because of my short rests between sets. I worked up a good sweat. The Y was pretty warm today. I had to get home by 8:00PM to watch the Batchelor. Michelle finally went home!!! HORRAY.
I am looking foward to some heavier weights during this cycle.
"I hear that Deadlifts are a fantastic movement for strength and to build muscle. I have to rely on what people tell me, because this is my only lift that I don't see/feel growth from. The muscles in my lower back are usually tight afterward, but I don't feel one area specifically that is affected. No like Bench Press, Squats or a Latt exercise. Maybe that's because it hits many different muscles as to not put too much stress on any one specific muscle or muscle groups. I really don't know.

I took the same route as you as far as deadlifts go - everyone preaches the benefits so it must be important.

Then, as I learned the lift and started adding some decent weight (for me) to the bar, I started noticing what everyone was singing about. When I get near my max, deadlifts turn into another animal altogether.

I think the reason people's deadlifts are their biggest lift is because it recruits the most muscles of a single movement. When the weight is lighter, I feel deadlifts in my hamstrings and upper back/traps the most. When the weight is heavier, I feel it from the top of my back (including rear delts) to my calves - the entire posterior chain.

Form is important here, though. You will feel the difference if your form is locked in. Rippetoe's coaching is enough to get you dialed in on form. But as long as your shoulders are a little in front of the bar (when the bar is on the floor) and you keep the bar close to your body on the ascent, you will feel it hitting your whole body.
Once you start to really get into the groove with deadlifts, you should definitely feel and see it in your traps and erectors at the very least.
February 17th
My lifts are going well. I continue to be able to lift more than the 10 reps suggested. Most lifts I complete 1 set of 12 than 1 set of 10. I have had no issues with this so far.

Bench Press - 150lbs
Leg Press - 285lbs
O.H. Press - 75lbs (I miss lifting heavier weights on this)
Seated Row - 145lbs
D.B. Press & Squeeze - 110lbs total weight 1x12
Latt Pulldown - 110lbs
Deadlift - 170lbs 1x7
Arm Iso's.
February 20th
Again lifting 1 set of 12 than 1 set of 10. Lifts going well. Can't wait to get to the 5's. I miss lifting heavy.

Bench Press - 150lbs
Leg Prss - 285lbs
O.H. Press - 75lbs
Seated Row - 145lbs
D.B. Press & Squeeze - 110lbs 1x7
Latt Pulldown - 110lbs
Deadlft - 170lbs 1x7
Arm Iso's
I have also added 1 set of cable cross chest presses.
February 23rd
After my lift I am very sore for some reason. This is the first time that I am sore. My back, my latts and my legs are all sore. I increased the standard amount from my last workout. Not sure what's the issue here. I know that I haven't been sleeping well and I could tell the lack of sleep affected my lifts. Most of my lifts were difficult to complete the second set. Some of my second sets I had to cluster to finish the last couple reps. Hopefully I get more sleep and I will feel better about my lifts My quesiton is do I lift tomorrow while being sore or wait another day. ????

Bench Press - 155lbs
Squat - 175lbs
O.H. Press - 80lbs
Seated Row - 155lbs
D.B Press & Squeeze - 120lbs total weight 1x12
Latt Pulldown - 120lbs (had to cluster last set on this)
Arm Iso's
Cross Cable Chest Pull
As long as it’s D.O.M.S. and you didn’t strain something then it should be fine to work out again as long as your body can handle whatever volume you are doing. Your body is usually done repairing your muscles within about 48 hours after that you’re central nervous system is what’s still recovering.

I workout every major muscle group 6 days a week early in my cycle when the weights are light. I readjust my exercises when I start having trouble adding weight to my major compound lifts like Dead Lift, Squat, Bench etc . . . . I’ve found that’s a good way to gauge if a particular muscle is ready to be worked again. Note that this keeps me sore every day but it’s a different type of soreness then regular D.O.M.S. It’s more of a tightness than a deep pain that goes away when I work out and usually returns about 12 hours later. However, with the gains I’ve been making it’s a small price to pay.
Thanks for the info. No, I didn't pull anything just a bit sore, so I pressed on.

February 24
Bench Press - 155lbs
Squat - 175lbs (I struggled and really had to give it my all to finish both sets)
OH Press - 80lbs
Seated Row - 155lbs
D.B. - 120lbs 1x12
Latt Pulldown - 120lbs
Arm Iso's
I dropped the chest cable pull because I thought this exercise may have been why I was sore.
Oh, I am going to start drinking more milk to increase my calorie intake. The lifts are getting hard enough that I will need the extra calories to grow and increase the weights
February 27th
I am getting close to my 10RM and I can deffinately feel it in my shoulders, legs and back. This routine is unlike anything that I have seen before or tried before. Most other workouts have you guess what weights you will lift and if things get too heavy, you slack off. But this uses a system that allows you to gradually build up to your RM, which you know you can lift. So right now, I am lifting more in squats and Leg Press than ever, and I am still on my 10's. I can't wait until I had the 5's.

Bench Press - 160lbs 2x10
Leg Press - 320lbs 2x10
O.H. Press - 85lbs 2x10
Seated Row - 165lbs 2x10 (last set used a cluster set of 7+3)
D.B Press & Squeeze - 120lbs 1x12
Latt Pulldown - 125lbs 2x10
Deadlift - 180lbs 1x7 (made me a bit dizzy - lightheaded???)
Arm Iso's
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March 3rd
With lifting 2 sets on these heavier weights, I am continously sore. Not a big deal. I kind of like it because to me - it's a sign that I am stressing my muscles. I will lift my RM on my next workout. I will strive to lift 11-12 reps. I will only lift 1 set. I am having to lift 1 set of 10 for each lift, then rotate back through them again to be able to get a 2nd set in. This gives my muscles enough time to recover enough to lift 10 more reps. I tried to lift two sets back to back at this heavier weight and I just couldn't do it. It takes a bit longer, but if I get lucky and the gym is not too busy - I can still get through in about an hour.

Bench Press - 160lbs 2x10
Squat - 185lbs 2x10
O.H.. Press - 85lbs 2x10
Seated Row - 165lbs 2x10
D.B. Press and Squeeze - 120lbs 1x12
Latt Pulldown - 125lbs 2x10
Arm Iso's
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March 5th
This is my week for my 10RM. I did lift only 1 set for each exercise. I strived to get at least 10 reps and some lifts I did get 11 or 12. That shows my strength has increased. :)

Bench Press - 170lbs 1x11
Squat - 185lbs 1x11
O.H. Press - 90lbs 1x11
Seated Row - 180lbs 1x12
D.B. Press and Squeeze - 130lbs 1x12
Latt Pulldown - 135lbs 1x10 (Used the V-Bar Close Grip)
Arm Iso's
March 7th
I debated on lifting just two days from my RM on my 10's because I was a bit sore - but did anyway. This is my second 10RM lift day because I only lifted 1 set on the 5th. I still had the strength even though my muscles were sore. This is encouraging. I lifted with a friend who was fairly new to weight lifting and wondered why I was only doing 1 set. I tried to explain my program to him but didn't want to look like a wuss. So I actually lifted 2 sets on most of my exercises. This surprised me that I could lift two sets. What I am finding out the more I lift is that our body can surprise us if we push ourselves sometimes. I am lifting more on Squats than ever. For me, lifting 190lbs is a PR for any amount of reps. But today, I lifted 2 sets of 10 on my 10RM! To me that's AMAZING!

Bench Press - 170lbs 1x10 (It was a very busy day and both Press's were occupied most of my time there. I didn't get to bench press until late into my routine and by then my strength had been tapped out. I did manage to struggle and get 10 reps and on my second set I just lifted 145lbs for 10 reps. I thought less weight was better than not lifting that second set at all.)
Squat - 190lbs 2x10 (Surprised me! My legs actually felt good after my 2 sets. Wierd)
O.H. Press - 90lbs 2x10
Seated Row - Skipped, ran out of time because I lifted with a friend and my son.
D.B. Press and Squeeze - 130lbs 1x12
Latt Pulldown - 125lbs 2x10
Arm Iso's
March 9th
I am trying to stay on target with lifting every 2 days. I know that's a target with this program that you lift every 48 hours. This starts my first workout of 3x5. I am excited to continue my progression and to see how my body handles the heavier weights. I am especailly excited about Squats and Deadlifts. My first workout with the 5's was fairly easy. I did not struggle with any weights since I am only lifting 5 reps.
I am only completing each workout once since I will be lifting sets of 5 for the last 2 week cycle.

Bench Press - 165lbs 3x5
Leg Press - 340lbs 3x5
O.H. Press - 85lbs 3x5 (did a couple extra on last set)
Deadlift - 175lbs 2x5 (not difficult - I think I am underachieving here)
Seated Row - 175lbs 3x5
D.B. Press and Squeeze - 120lbs 2x7 (This is a secondary chest, so I limit my reps)
Latt Pulldown - 130lbs 3x5 (This was difficult. I don't weight that much and this much weight almost lifted me off my seat. Luckily the machine has a padded leg bar that kept me down. :)
Arm Iso's
March 12th
2nd workout on the 5's. I asked for heavier weights and I can feel that most of what I am lifting are PR's for me. Being under that much weight on Squats, is a little scary. But exhilarating after I complete my workout, knowing that I did it. And I really didn't struggle.

On Bench Press, for me about 175-180lbs is when the weight starts to "feel" heavy and that is a mental block for me. I knew going into my workout that 175lbs for Bench Press was where I plateaued on my last workout, so completing this was a test for me. And I have to be honest, it felt heavier than it actually was because I knew I couldn't get past this weight before. So I figured I would struggle even before I started to lift. I completed all 3 sets (and I should have known that I would). What I have learned is to go into my workout with a possitive mind-set and just allow my body to do the work and to keep my mind out of it. If my body can handle the weight, then I will lift it. If I think that it's too heavy and I "think" about it too much, then I may not succeed. But I did and I will go on!

Bench Press - 175lbs 3x5
Squat - 195lbs 3x5
O.H. Press - 90lbs 3x6 (did a couple extra on last set)
Seated Row - 185lbs 3x5
D.B. Press and Squeeze - 130lbs 2x7 (Getting difficult)
Latt Pulldown - 135lbs 3x5 (Getting difficult)
Arm Iso's​
Being under that much weight on Squats, is a little scary. But exhilarating after I complete my workout, knowing that I did it

It is pretty intimidating when you un-rack the bar and it feel like it’s crushing you so much you can barely stand there with it. Briefly you realize you have to actually squat down with it and think no way in hell am I coming back up. Then you do it and the gratification is nice. ;)
Exactly!!! But at < 200lbs, it's not CRUSHING weight yet. But...I'll get there.
My Year-End goal is to have 1RM of:
Bench Press - 250lbs
Squat - 350lbs
Deadlift - 400lbs