TangoDown's HST Cluster Log

Weighted Pullups Belt + 50lb x 5 (guy who watched said the last 2 reps wer had my chin an inch from clearing the bar...I think I can fix this next session. So this PR is tentative). Did at a slightly narrower grip as usual. PR.

Dips Belt + 55lb x 5. Think I may have Belt + 60lb in me. PR.

I'm thinking I might be able to break through my incline bench stall by switching to a slightly narrower grip.

Non-plate loaded leg press 370lb x 5 (505lb is max weight on machine). It's one of those leg press machines where you push yourself away from the platform as opposed to pushing the platform away from you. PR.

Bent-over rear delt row 70lb DBs x 15. PR. Easy weight. Pre-hab movement. Might progress to 75lb. Not trying to go all out with these.

Decline crunches: 35 reps, 20-25 reps (I forget). Will probably push to 40 reps for the first cluster and back off on the second cluster. Finding this is good at improving my numbers.

Currently 5'8", about 180lb.
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5'8", 180lbish

Dips: Belt + 60lb x 4, x 2, x 1, BW x 15

Leg Press (non-plate loaded): 375lb x 5, x 3, x 1 (PR)

Weighted Pullups: Belt + 50lb x 5, x 3, x 2

Bent-Over Rear Delt Row: 75lb DB x 15 (PR)

Decline Crunches: BW x 40, BW x 15 (PR)


Dips were real deep. Think I can get 5 next time, and if I do, I'll count that as a PR. Pullups, I think my chin cleared the bar all 5 reps. 5th rep of the first cluster might have been just short but I'll count it.

I've got to be more concise with my form on bent-over rear delt rows. I think I might try to find my versa grips as I'm looking at these as more of a pre-hab movement so there's no need to waste chalk and tax my grip/CNS.

Gonna be deloading sumo deadlifts down to 285lb or so next time I go heavy.
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Due to 3 exams in one week and then an ankle sprain yesterday, I was forced to pretty much end my cycle. I didn't really want to SD. Tomorrow, I'd like to go back, but it'll only have been 7 days. I don't think I'm going to benefit much from a complete, 9 day SD anyway, because I can't really put on any more weight. I guess I'll just spend the next month or so trying to eek out the last amount of strength I can and then start my cut.