Get 10-12 reps. All work loads clustered 3 minutes apart save for curls.
Stats: 5'8", 175lb
Leg Press (non-plate loaded): 250lb x 5, 355lb x 5, x 5
Bench Press: 115lb x 5, 170lb x 5, x 5, 135lb x 12
Weighted Pullups: BW x 5, Belt + 47.5lb x 4, x 3, x 2
Didn't get to post the last 2 sessions because extended family was in town so I was pretty busy.
Last time I deadlifted, got 2 reps with 315lb, but did it with back completely braced. Here's hoping it was a fluke considering it came off the floor so easily when I was being lazy with spinal bracing. If it doesn't next session, either A. I need to deload it or B. I'm not strong enough to get 5 reps with it without thoracic rounding.
I had gotten only 4 reps on leg press for the first cluster with 355lb, so I pushed to 5 today and thus I'll be pushing onto 360lb.
Finished bench in 2 clusters. Hopefully this means the deload worked. Only got 12 reps with 135lb, whereas last time I benched, I had 15. I may have been fatigued from the 2nd cluster of the work set. I might just stop doing the 15RM set until I PR.
Onto 175lb, which was my 5RM. If I can hit 10 reps in 2 clusters, I'll be fairly confident that I can push to 180lb x 5 and maybe even beyond.
Pullups, failed rep 3 of last cluster. I may have 5 reps in me for the first cluster. We'll see.