I thought I would share with all of you some results I just got back from the Doctor. For the past 4 years I have had issues with low sel esteem, depression and anxiety that has been really taking a toll on not only myself but my family as well. I have tried a couple of anti anxiety medications although I strongly recommend against any of them due to them making my conditions worse and it only masks the issue. There was a post here on this website a couple of weeks ago about a study from the Life Extension Foundation regarding testosterone and depression and other things the low testosteron can contribute too. After reading the article I made an appointment with my Dr. and had him do a test panel to see where my levels were and took the study that was mentioned above. He said that he usually doesn't test for testosterone espeically in men age 30, which is my age, because levels are typically fine. Well my lab results came in today and my levels were 297!
The reference range is 280-800. I share this in case others are having some of the same issues. He is putting me on androgel supplementation and I will have blood work done in another month to see where I stand then. I think I will also have him check my estrogen levels and LH levels as well. Whoever posted the link to that study, I really appreciate it!