Test Levels


New Member
I thought I would share with all of you some results I just got back from the Doctor. For the past 4 years I have had issues with low sel esteem, depression and anxiety that has been really taking a toll on not only myself but my family as well. I have tried a couple of anti anxiety medications although I strongly recommend against any of them due to them making my conditions worse and it only masks the issue. There was a post here on this website a couple of weeks ago about a study from the Life Extension Foundation regarding testosterone and depression and other things the low testosteron can contribute too. After reading the article I made an appointment with my Dr. and had him do a test panel to see where my levels were and took the study that was mentioned above. He said that he usually doesn't test for testosterone espeically in men age 30, which is my age, because levels are typically fine. Well my lab results came in today and my levels were 297!
The reference range is 280-800. I share this in case others are having some of the same issues. He is putting me on androgel supplementation and I will have blood work done in another month to see where I stand then. I think I will also have him check my estrogen levels and LH levels as well. Whoever posted the link to that study, I really appreciate it!

Depending on your dosage of Androgel, you should be able to more than double your current T levels. Mine had been running in the 200's and then dropped to 70! I went on Androgel and use 3 packets daily (or 6 squirts if you use the squeeze bottle). Now my test levels are over 700 and I feel great. I have continued to increase my LBM also. And remember, I am 60 years old so you will probably have even greater results. However, be aware that your precious jewels will shrink big time. But who cares? Your noodle doesn't know the difference!
Good luck and report in your results afte about 90 days.
At the moment my Dr. has me on only half a packet a day (2.5 g).
I'm not sure how much difference this will make. I go back July 14th for more blood work to check the levels. His concern revolves around me having only 1 kidney (born with only one). He has already been monitoring my kidney functions for the past 3 months and my urea nitrogen levels have remained a little elevated. If the test levels aren't up to at least 600 by July I will see if he will increase my dosage to a full packet (5g).

What is considered a normal range of testosterone for a 30 year old male? I would think that my levels would be around 500-600 since the reference range is 280-800. Since the 280-800 covers a broad range I would assume that the higher levels are for young males while as you get older your levels of course drop and 280 would be for 50 - 60 year old males. 297 for me at age 30 seems extremely low. The doc said I was still within normal range but that just doesn't seem right to me. Anyone else have any info on this to help?
Thanks for the posts. I have decided to go and see an endocrinologist and have some additional blood work done to see if it will shed more light on this. I will keep you posted as to my findings.

Dan, what is your status these days? I read the old threads and am wondering how your test levels are and if you are still taking the adrogel. Please update.

I have yet to investigate medically but I'm wondering if I my be a candidate: 41 years old, having trouble adding lean mass without getting fat, and trouble losing fat without losing lean mass, tire more easily, and less horny than I used to be, which is a real problem for my 22 year old hard-body girlfriend!
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Dood @ June 16 2005,11:01)]which is a real problem for my 22 year old hard-body girlfriend!  

Actually I haven't checked my levels lately, I haven't been taking the Androgel, I haven't been taking anything lately (not including vitamins, protein, fish oil and flax).

I have noticed a difference since I stopped taking it, but I also noticed the 5's weren't cutting it so I upped the dose myself by using a packet and 1/2 daily.

I will go back to using it soon though, it definatley made a difference. But I will use an anti-estrogen, SHBG inhibitor also.
As I think it's more of a conversion issue and free test that the total level only.
Dood be da man!

Actually Tobey Keith wrote a song about me and how "I'm not as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I always was."

Hey O&G just curious if you are still taking Androgel? Over 700
is just awesome so i now hope that's the result of your hard training. Mine tested at 540 1 1/2 years ago and will do another test this fall.
Been taking it for a year now. Trained 46 years before that also. Big gains came in years 45 and 46 when I started HST.
:D :D :D :D
Yeah, I hit the jackpot with this one. Now I have to keep up.
The worst part is that I started her on HST but she gains muscle too easily, while I struggle. Now I have her just doing some cardio to stay lean. We're going to see if she can do some fitness modeling, the potential is there.

Back on topic, what is the cost like for the androgel? I'm pretty sure my crappy insurance won't pay a cent if I end up going that route.
I pay $25.00 (co-pay)and my insurance picks up the rest. I use the equivalent of 90 packets per month. My cost would be the same if I used 30 packets or 120 packets per month.

Interestingly, it was Bryan who suggested that I look into HRT because of my age when I posted my first question on the forum. If he hadn't, I probably wouldn't have. Thanks bryan!
O.G., (or anyone), have there been any changes in your PSA levels since taking the androgel? I remember you saying they had gone up a little at one point.
They went from 0.8 to 2.0 initially and then settled back down below 1. However, Androgel is not something for someone to use who has any protate problems. Usually people with prostate problems end up taking estrogen to decrease their T levels. Not a good thing to have to take. Also, I was recently informed that saw palmetto, which has always been touted as a good OTC for PSA levels, can actually disguise a problem if you have one. PSA levels should be tested when you are off SP.