The HST books

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Much of it is written already. However, I need to release a version of HST that anybody can pick up and understand as well as apply to their own training without too much difficulty.

My love, of course, is for the science and those guys/girls who are also looking for more detailed answers. Most of these individuals are usually trainers. The HST for professionals will be just that. A book for professionals. People who dedicate their lives in some way or another to practicing and researching exercise science. Personal trainers, open minded coaches, and of course bodybuilders who manage their own training.

This group will not only want to know what HST has to offer, but they will also form their own opinions based on their backgrounds in exercise physiology. This group will sift through the info to find the really juicy stuff they haven't read or heard about before. Some will reject it if it threatens their authority, others will be glad they found it and add it to their already wide array of knowledge and experience. Unfortunately, science on that level specific to bodybuilding only has appeal to a very limited audience. Even the really hardcore guys just say, "shut up and lift dude!".

The biggest audience is the group that just wants to get in shape. HST can serve them very well, but they first have to hear about it on a very simple level... no ribosomes, no translation, no mitogen activated protein kinases either. Just plain language that leaves very little to be misunderstood. On top of that, they will need basic info on nutrition and supplementation. This populations goal is to see results, not be given a lesson on physiology. They usually don't really care about how it works. They just want to be told what to do and to keep it simple.
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