2time IPF world champion, 2 world superheavyweight records, this year will destroy Shane Hammonds old WR insquat of 1003, he will bench >800lbs and deadlift close to 900. Hes one big fat strong man
Right now I am roughly 193lbs @ 6'3" with a little more body fat than I need. My primary goals are to cut body to gain good definition and to strenghten up. If I happend to gain a little muscle size that is ok, but I am not looking for anything more than a little.
Big, vein popping freakish looking, strong as hell oxe before I hit 40, LOL. You know, the kind of look that makes people wonder what the heck is wrong with you as the veins in your body are generallly larger than most peoples forearms, LOL. All this, while maintaining a 30 inch waist would make me a happy 40 year old.
Currently working toward that at 195lb, up 10 since starting HST, and 10-12%bf. Basically looking to add another 15-20 pounds, and keep that bf over the next year and a half.
Supposedly Brad Pitt only weighed something like 160 lbs in Fight Club. He's supposed to be 6 feet tall too, though I'm not sure about that. That's not really that big at all, when you think about it.
Somewhere in between. Defintely more muscle than Brad Pitt, but most definitely not Arnold because it's just out of my reach without steroids. I just want to reach my genetic max and then diet down to 5%BF. Or maybe 3%