time to polish up the GUNZZZ!


Nevermind...today i am still sore as hell and had to work throught it....I will stick with 3x6, thats enough volume for me!


WG Pulldown- 120
Dips- BW
DB Row- 60s
M. Press- 85
DB Curls- 31.25s
Pressdowns- 70

I feel good now, but it was hell working through the soreness.
(cgutcu @ Oct. 17 2007,20:08)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">How much time between sets?
How long was your workout?
Very short rest betweem sets (30-45 seconds or so?), workout was about half-hour...I was sweating like a pig....great fun!
(Slapshotz @ Oct. 16 2007,10:34)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Hey, who *dared* to give the great Q-dood a negative rating and lower his perfect 5

Shame, shame, shame.  Well, Q, you're still a perfect 5 to me
I just noticed this and immediately repped him , (it only went up a bit) if enough do it we can perhaps restore him to his former glory!
Missed fridays workout, so I did it tonight instead.

10/20/07- All exercises 3 sets of 6 reps, all supersetted when possible. (squats and chins supersetted) (bench and upright rows supersetted) (arm superset- curls and pushdowns)

DB up rows-31.25s
BB Rows-140
DB Curls- 32.5s
Pushdowns- 75
(colby2152 @ Oct. 20 2007,15:14)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">LOL, quad that's a goofy face in that picture.</div>
Good thing that's an old picture!

Sci, watch those chins...I can hardly believe how fast mine came up to needing a load, and now adding weight. Everything else seems to be just coming up slowly.

Deads- 235
WG Pulldowns- 125
Dips- BW+5
DB Rows- 62.5s
Stand Press- 90
DB Curls- 32.5s
Tricep pushdowns- 75

Quad, I am glad for you, but my lats are one of my weakest points, I have never been great at chin-ups, and it will be awhile before I add weight to those unfortunately. But I am working on it if you will notice I have four different exercises for the back and lats: chin-ups, wide-grip pulldowns, dumbell rows and barbell rows! Now that is a recipe for huge lats if I ever saw one!
I've always wondered if BB and DB rows hit the lats very well. Chins, pullups and pulldowns no doubt.

Just so ya know...some women outbench me. And since the shoulder thing; I have to stay under 300 or so as a max, so DB's rule for me.
(colby2152 @ Oct. 22 2007,21:02)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Rows will hit lats pretty good if you pull the weight back (or up) at full ROM.</div>
I agree , lead with the elbows and keep them in relatively close. I do think rows really bulk up the musculature directly above the lats just as much if not more than they really grow the lats , but thats cool because nothing looks funnier to me than width with no depth .

You could throw a 10x3 at one of the Lat exersizes once a week without detracting from the rest of your progression and really rock the strength gains up.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Good thing that's an old picture!</div>

I meant your goofy smile and pose, but I'm sure you knew what I was talking about.

Now that I am back into training again, I have decided to pick up where I left off last cycle and focus on cutting. I still want to be a bit leaner before I try for any more hypertrophy. I started a moderate PSMF (protein-sparing modified fast) and will chnage the training to abbreviated heavy stuff aimed solely at conditioning and maintaining muscle mass during the cut.

Rack pulls- 295 (3x6)
Chin-ups- BW (3x6)
Dips- BW+25 (3x7)
DB cuban presses- 30s (3x7)

Great workout, quick but intense, got a great pump all over.

Rack Pulls- 315 (3x6)
Chin-ups- BW (3x6)
Dips- BW+30 (3x6)
Cuban Presses- 35s (3x6)

I am beginning to look somewhat lean. I think I am under 190, and this workout combined with diet seems to be doing the trick of improving body composition, I don't know if I am gaining muscle or losing fat or a combinaton of both, but I am starting to look good in the mirror already and thats cool.
I just figured that the first week of january 2008 will be the 12th week of this cycle.
I should be back in top shape by then and &quot;picture ready&quot; so my goal is to get leaner than ever before and post pictures here in my log sometime during New Year's week.