Trying to get started

The best way to find your 15, 10, and 5 RMs is to actually find them in the gym. Before you start your SD, do 3 workouts: 1 for your 15 RMs, 1 for your 10 RMs, and 1 for your 5 RMs. A good way to schedule these workouts is on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. You should perform the exercises in the order that you plan to perform them during your cycle. After you find your RMs, begin your SD (9-14 days). Then start your cycle.

Your other option is to use rep max calculators. This is not as good as testing your RMs, though. Here are some links:

One Rep Max Calculator

Multi Rep Max Calculator

Remember, after testing your RMs, you need to SD before starting your cycle.
I hate to ask this, but all this is new to me... what is an SD? You used the acronym more than once and I don't recognize it.
SD stands for Strategic Deconditioning. Basically, you take 9-12 days off from lifting and allow the muscles to decondition and become sensitive to sub-maximal weights. During this time, you should do no lifting. For more info, check the FAQ. After your Strategic Deconditioning period of 9-12 days, you start your HST cycle.