TunnelRat's log -- working my way back to zero

Saturday, January 22, 2011

RDL 10x45, 2x5x135
Deadlift 10x45, 10x135, 5x185, 3x225, 3x3x270, 5x10x150
Flat Bench 10x50, 5x70, 3x90, 3x3x115
Lying Barbell Row 3x3x137
Treadmill 30 min. @ 3.2 mph

Refeed today: 300 grams of carbs in 5 hours. I'm stuffed.
I did my refeed Sat. too. Couldn't believe how full I was and how hard it was to choke it down. Your strength seems to be staying with you too. Have you dropped any more pounds yet?
Have you dropped any more pounds yet?
I've lost a total of five pounds so far, but it fluctuates with the free meals and refeeds and all.

Monday, January 24, 2011

RDL 10x45, 10x95, 2x5x135, 2x5x185
Squat 10x45, 10x95, 5x135, 3x185, 3x230, 1x280 RM, 2x3x230, 5x10x115
Front squat 3x135, 1x185
chin/dip 3x3x (body weight+10)
Treadmill 30 minutes @ 3.2 mph

I worked a new 1RM on Squat into my 3x3 work set. I did the heaviest RDLs in a very long time; my back is still complaining about it.
Impressive work, TR! Hitting all these new PBs and cutting at the same time? How is it possible? :-) TunnelRat may be Mighty Mouse in disquise! I've never seen the two of you together at the same time...
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Deadlift 10x45, 10x135, 5x185, 3x225, 1x275, 1x345 RM, 3x3x275, 5x10x155
Flat Bench 10x60, 5x80, 3x100, 3x3x120
Lying Barbell Row 3x3x142
Treadmill 30 min. @ 3.2 mph
Chin/Dip BWx5

Hit a new Personal Best on Deadlift -- 345 lbs. I was whipped afterwards. After about a set and a half of 275 triples, I had to switch from an overhand grip to a mixed grip. The 5x10s were killers today. I was dragging; I think I've only had 10 or 12 grams of carbs all day. I skipped my RDLs.

Lying Barbell Row has been too easy. I suspect I started too light. The weight is starting to build up, but it's still my easiest exercise by far.

I was surprised how easy my 80 and 100 lb flat bench went up. A couple of weeks ago those were hard to do. Each workout the assigned weight is difficult for me, but each time I've been able to manage it. The 120 lb bench went up a bit wobbly on each third rep, but I think I can get 125 next time.
Awesome deadlift.

I think on the leg press that if you keep it up eventually you will be able to do the 405. There is a slight bit of a neural learning curve on it so probably after a little bit of doing it you'll be able to push 405 around.
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Squat 10x45, 5x95, 5x135, 1x185, 1x225, 1x255, miss x 285, 1x285 RM, 3x3x235, 5x10x120
chin miss x (body weight +55)
dip 1x (body weight +55)
chin/dip 3xBW, 3x3x (body weight+15)

Today was a good day in the gym. I missed Friday for family reasons, so I made it up today. I tried for a new Personal Best on chins, but missed it by about an inch. I started from a low hang and made it nearly all the way up, but couldn't quite get my chin above the bar. I'll get it next time...

Then, since I already had the weight belt loaded, I tried for a dip and hit it at body weight + 55. That's the best I've done with dips. It's odd because usually my chins are stronger than my dips, but not today.

Then I tried for a new PB on squats. I missed at 285 lbs. So I unloaded the bar, and started over. I waited a good five minutes and tried again and hit it. I suspect that 285 is a true 1RM for me just now. It took all I had to get that bar up. I couldn't have done even 5 more lbs.

I came home tired, sore, and happy.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Deadlift 10x45, 10x135, 5x185, 3x225, 3x3x280, 5x10x160
Flat Bench 10x45, 10x60, 5x80, 3x100, 1x115, 3x3x125
Lying Barbell Row 3x3x145
Treadmill 30 min. @ 3.2 mph

Flat bench was hard today, but I finished all the lifts. My grip started to fail on my 3x3 deadlifts. I had been using a double-overhand grip but had to switch to a mixed grip on the very last rep of the 3x3s.

I ran out of room for plates on the EZ-Curl bar I had been using for Lying Barbell Rows. So today I switched to a standard barbell.

Snow yesterday. Snow today. Snow tonight and tomorrow. The gym might be closed the next few days. Heck, the whole town might be closed...
Damned bots -- gonna ruin this site.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Squat 10x45, 10x95, 5x135, 3x185, 1x225, 1x275, 3x3x240, 5x10x125
chin/dip 3xBW, 3x3x (body weight+20)

Uneventful workout, but things are starting to get a little bit heavy...
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Deadlift 10x45, 10x135, 5x185, 3x225, 1x275, 0x355 (missed), 3x3x285
Flat Bench 10x50, 10x70, 5x90, 3x110, 3x3x130
Lying Barbell Row 3x3x150
Treadmill 30 min. @ 3.2 mph

I got the 355 lb bar off the floor and up to my knees. I held it there, shaking, for what seemed like a very long time, but it did not come up any further. So my 1RM is still 345 -- until next time!

I was a bit frazzled aftewards, so I just did my work sets and came home. I'll do my Boring but Big 10x165s next time as well.
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You got through the hardest part of the lift, TR. Probably took all of your energy to do so; and because of that, 355 can't be too far away. Don't let the frazzled feeling stay too long - if the BW listed in your signature is still correct, you're lifting almost one and a half times your BW at 355. That's huge! Outstanding lifting!
I got the 355 lb bar off the floor and up to my knees. I held it there, shaking, for what seemed like a very long time, but it did not come up any further. So my 1RM is still 345 -- until next time!
You’ll get it next time TR. I usually have that problem with my Squats where I get half way up and get stuck. On the other hand with Dead Lifts if I’m not going to make the lift I can’t even get the bar moving off the floor.
Yeah if you got it up that far then you'll definitely get it very soon. Getting it off the floor and up there is the hardest part. Like tim said, that probably used almost all your energy.
Well, I've come upon the convergence of events once again. I hit my diet break -- two weeks off from starvation. Then we've had two weeks of really seriously bitter cold weather. Now my son has come to visit from Florida. Plus, my joints have started to creak a bit from lifting at or about my 1 RM. So I've decided it's time for a bit of deload.

I've stayed out of the gym for a week. Then today I went in to do what Wendler prescribes for a deload.

Squat 10x45, 5x95, 5x135, 5x155, 5x170, 5x180
Bench 10x45, 5x75, 5x85, 5x90
Deadlift 5x190, 5x205, 5x220

I suspect Wendler had in mind doing these on separate days, but what the heck. I did them all at once. I'll try to get back to the gym on Friday or Saturday, as well. My son is home visiting, so I don't know what my schedule is going to be.

I've been greatly pleased with my successes on Russ's 3x3 program. However, I've been lifting some fairly nice weights now for a while and my body has started to complain. I think I might try Wendler's 5/3/1 for a while. His program would let me do strength training using sub-maximal weights. I've been toying with the idea, and may well put it into effect next week.
Whichever way you decide to go TR, that was some damn nice lifting you did. A well deserved rest!! Enjoy your sons visit! Your weather there has been a little more like Northern Wisconsin. I feel a little bad for you!