Sunday, January 30, 2011
Squat 10x45, 5x95, 5x135, 1x185, 1x225, 1x255, miss x 285, 1x285 RM, 3x3x235, 5x10x120
chin miss x (body weight +55)
dip 1x (body weight +55)
chin/dip 3xBW, 3x3x (body weight+15)
Today was a good day in the gym. I missed Friday for family reasons, so I made it up today. I tried for a new Personal Best on chins, but missed it by about an inch. I started from a low hang and made it nearly all the way up, but couldn't quite get my chin above the bar. I'll get it next time...
Then, since I already had the weight belt loaded, I tried for a dip and hit it at body weight + 55. That's the best I've done with dips. It's odd because usually my chins are stronger than my dips, but not today.
Then I tried for a new PB on squats. I missed at 285 lbs. So I unloaded the bar, and started over. I waited a good five minutes and tried again and hit it. I suspect that 285 is a true 1RM for me just now. It took all I had to get that bar up. I couldn't have done even 5 more lbs.
I came home tired, sore, and happy.