Vegtable intake


New Member
Hi All,
I started keeping a food diary for the first time and it highlighted a few things, most of them expected like I get too much fat etc.

I have however noticed that I tend to always eat the same veggies.Lots of salad everyday,(lettice,tomato,cucumber ,avo and sprouts) with the odd servings (once maby twice a week) of cauliflower,broccoli and even less frequently some Chinese cabbage or carrots.

I know there should be no harm in adding more variety but being a lazy sod am I alright just sticking to the my favorites ?
Hi Smee-
The recommendation from the National Cancer Institute, which has been picked up by other groups as well, is "5 a day," meaning at least five servings of fruits and/or veggies in a day. So it's not just veggies- you should factor in what you're eating in the fruit line as well to see how you stack up against this recommendation. On the face of it, not knowing your fruit intake, it's hard to say, but you're doing much better than most people do. Good to see you eating those cruciferous veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage)- those are really good for you, and you might want to make sure you eat at least three servings/week. Easy to do if you throw in a few florets into your salad!
Yep, thanks! That does help.I get enough servings of the veggies in, I was just concerned that the lack of variety may mean I'm missing something.

I'll not even comment on the fruit situation which needs work !!

Thanks for the help !