vitamins and bright pee

Um I remember reading that folic acid does that, but I'm not sure off hand from personal experience. I think maybe some other water soluble vitamin or mineral could also be doing that but I'm not sure about that either. Sorry for so little help.
Not sure about the folic acid part... but from what I've read and been told (which of course might be incorrect) is that the bright urine when taking a multivitamin is the excess/processed vitamins which are not utilized... I take a daily multi and still have at least 4 clear uninations per day (1.5 gals total water intake per day.. roughly)... but I do know what you are talking about.
While folic acid is yellow to a degree, it aint that causing your wizz to go yellow. And the name of the vitamin is on the end of my tounge (figeratively) but I cant remember it at the moment.
I remember taking a vitamin B complex suppliment a while ago and mine was so yellow I thought it was glowing. I now take a multivitamin pill and it is bright yellow. Not as yellow as the B-Complex, but still bright. I must conclude that it is the vitamin B which causes urine to become bright yellow. By the way I find it very funny that we're talking about this.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]While folic acid is yellow to a degree, it aint that causing your wizz to go yellow.
<span =''>
Well it might be check this:
Side effects: People who take folic acid may develop bright-yellow urine, fever, shortness of breath, a skin rash or, very rarely, diarrhea. Doses over 1,500 mcg/day can cause nausea, appetite loss, flatulence and abdominal distention.
Oh folic acid is also known as vitamin B-9, I knew I wasn't crazy.
Ah, the wonderful glowing urine. Bright wiz, neon pee...

I likes to call it &quot;plutonium piss.&quot;

But, yeah, B-vitas cause it, and C can in heavy enough dose. And Biotest MD6, too.