

New Member
Do ya'll consider walnuts a decent source of good fats?

If so, and I am on a 2000 cal diet, and a 25-40 % of that needs to be from good fats, walnuts are around 200 calories and 190 fat calories per serving. A serving or two of those and some other good fats and I would be set.
They are very fattening (20 grams per 1/4 cup but only 2 saturated), but the good fat right?

Yeah from what I know walnuts are great...

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]They are very fattening (20 grams per 1/4 cup but only 2 saturated)

9:1 ratio of unsaturated to saturated fats is great

I'm just starting to catch on to this EFA stuff, so if anyone has something else to say, that'd be great.

That's good news, cause i love me some walnuts. they are great in cereal and oatmeal, and also by themselves.

thanks guys.

if anyone else has any input, input away!
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Really? I thought they were high in Omega 6

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I believe walnuts contain some Omega 3's, but I'm not positive.

Well, here are the figures for walnuts:

100g of Walnuts contain: 5.5g of Omega3 and 28.00g of Omega6

So yes, they do contain both Omega 3 and 6, but are significantly higher in Omega 6 fats. Which is great, so all you have to do is eat the tuna you want (which provides Omega 3) and eat some walnuts as a snack, and you are right on track to getting nice Omega 3 and 6 balance.

Hope this helps. :)
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]So yes, they do contain both Omega 3 and 6, but are significantly higher in Omega 6 fats. Which is great, so all you have to do is eat the tuna you want (which provides Omega 3) and eat some walnuts as a snack, and you are right on track to getting nice Omega 3 and 6 balance.

so if I added something like walnuts into my diet (which already has tuna as a main staple), then would there be any need to go out and get something such as fish oil?

[b said:
Quote[/b] (jvroig @ July 22 2005,12:21)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Really? I thought they were high in Omega 6
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I believe walnuts contain some Omega 3's, but I'm not positive.
Well, here are the figures for walnuts:
100g of Walnuts  contain: 5.5g of Omega3 and 28.00g of Omega6
So yes, they do contain both Omega 3 and 6, but are significantly higher in Omega 6 fats. Which is great, so all you have to do is eat the tuna you want (which provides Omega 3) and eat some walnuts as a snack, and you are right on track to getting nice Omega 3 and 6 balance.
Hope this helps.  :)
If those figures are correct, then that is awesome. I didn't think they had much omega 3 at all, but that seems to be the perfect ratio (I've forgotten the ideal om3:om6 ratio).
walnuts contain a fair amount of polyunsaturaturated fat and i would recommned, but beware of their caloric value particularly when on a energy restricted diet

I recommed them in the XDL DIET

Coach hale
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]so if I added something like walnuts into my diet (which already has tuna as a main staple), then would there be any need to go out and get something such as fish oil?


Yeah, pretty much. Unless you still need a lot more of those good fats and you can't eat too much walnuts because of their calories (generally, all nuts are "energy dense"; the little dudes have a lot of calories packed into them), you don't really need to spend extra cash on fish oil.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]If those figures are correct, then that is awesome. I didn't think they had much omega 3 at all, but that seems to be the perfect ratio (I've forgotten the ideal om3:om6 ratio).

Well, all I can say is: YEP, WALNUTS KICK BUTT!

But again, like the Coach said, watch out for the calories they bring. If you are bulking up, then be my guest, eat walnuts like there's no tomorrow (of course, don't take that literally), but if you are cutting, eating a heck of a lot of walnuts can easily screw your diet with the added extra calories.

The perfect ratio os O3:O6 is, ideally, 1:1. You should try to get as close to that as possibly. 1:3 is a good ratio to shoot for. Or was it 3:1? Eh, either way, both are necessary but you need them in as close to equal amounts as possible.