

New Member
i know your not supposed to do warmups for the 15 rep cycle but it says to do 1 set of 5 @70% of working set for the 10s...but the first week my weights in the first week are mostly the weights in my 15 rep cycle, so do you guys think i should warmup or just wait until i hit the weights that i havent used yet for my 10s?
Who said you're not supposed to? I always warm up before 15s. I don't have a stationary bike to warm up with before I start my workouts so if I jumped straight into my loads for 15s I could easily pull a muscle. Warm ups can also serve as a really good way to reinforce correct form before the working load is used.
I agree what Lol said.

I usually walk on a treadmill for a few min. just to get the blood flowing then I do anywhere from one to three warmup sets before I do my work sets.
I've decided to warm up with the jump rope for a few minutes before my workout. Then I start with a light weight for a few reps before the work reps but only for the first exercise. I'm not big on warming up but I found it doesn't hurt one bit and perhaps even adds to my aerobic capacity at least for the rope jumping.
I warm up on a stationary bike for a few minutes, then I start my lifts with an empty bar and add weight 10 or 20 pounds at a time before I begin my work sets.

The heavier the work set, the more warm up lifts I do.
For a typical HST workout, I do 1 sets of each of the following using bodyweight only until I feel a burn:

Push up
Pull Up

That goes against what most people recommend but I have never had an injury.

Some people do so many warm up sets that there one work set sucks.

I would do it entirely differently if I were training just for strength.
Hey, you got the lid open! Thot you were gone, amigo!
That's similar to what I've been doing: that little calesthenic circuit I came up with a couple months ago. I've ripped my pec this week and a forearm last week: too much weight too soon not enough warmup stoopid!
Painful reminders.
(Avi1985 @ Jan. 31 2008,09:59)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Im not doing  warmaps.</div>
Is that a bit like a game of Risk?
To a statement like that I want to say...if you're too weak to hurt yourself, you probably don't need to. But if you plan to have a good workout, move some freeeken WEIGHT, it might be in the best interests to be smart about it.
The stronger you are,
the older you are,
the faster you are,
the less conditioned you are,
the more you need to warm up. Period.
You're right; my bad. I thought Avi was meaning warmups period. Sometimes we forget what a thread is about, not re-reading the length of it. We're all professional highjackers in here anyway!
I don't warmup for 15's until halfway through. But then I feel the need for them, as I meet one of the conditions listed above, and I've hurt myself before. I also do two work sets for 15's and sometimes three for 10's.
(Martin Levac @ Feb. 02 2008,00:52)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Warming up also serves as a technical practice prior to full load execution.</div>
... and the circle is complete.
(Lol @ Jan. 31 2008,05:10)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(Avi1985 @ Jan. 31 2008,09:59)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Im not doing  warmaps.</div>
Is that a bit like a game of Risk?  
No. On my course of gym coaches we been told that warmups dont prevent injuries (it based on recent researches). I thought it ridiculous, but i decided to give it a try. I noticed that i realy dont have an injury problam when i did not make any warmup. But it was easier to lift the weights on my heavy 6's and 3's when i did 2 sets of warmup before.
Im not big on warmups, I just stretch my whole body well and before my workout I do some self squats and push ups, but I dont warm up before every excercise.
(Avi1985 @ Feb. 04 2008,05:04)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">No. On my course of gym coaches we been told that warmups dont prevent injuries (it based on recent researches). I thought it ridiculous, but i decided to give it a try. I noticed that i realy dont have an injury problam when i did not make any warmup. But it was easier to lift the weights on my heavy 6's and 3's when i did 2 sets of warmup before.</div>
Who would attempt a personal record without a warm-up? No educated lifter is going to do that, I assume. Would be great if you could link us to one of such studies - seeing is believing.
Compared to some I may not be old, but I sure feel my age these days. I've got to warm up, especially elbows, knees, and low back.

I've worked out after a hot shower and found myself to be more flexible. But that negates what Martin said about the neural lineup - that practice can also prevent injuries. But more so in the heavies. Have you ever seen those big deadlifters go through the motion without the bar just before lifting?
(quadancer @ Feb. 05 2008,20:38)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I've worked out after a hot shower and found myself to be more flexible. But that negates what Martin said about the neural lineup - that practice can also prevent injuries. But more so in the heavies. Have you ever seen those big deadlifters go through the motion without the bar just before lifting?</div>
warmup makes it easier to lift heavy weights, no doubt. The reaserches was about injuries. And the guide on the course told me that its theory, that warmups dont prevent injuries, And not something i should rely on. So if i have an extra time i do some warmup.