weight gainer + vitamin + fish oil

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Can I go a whole day without eating real food and just rely on protein powder or MRPs? Assuming I supplememt with EFA and vitamins, what would be the harm in doing so?
Although I definitely agree with Bosox and think it's not the best idea, you have to wonder that as long as you can get your required energy, vitamins, minerals and macro's would there be any actual harm in the short run??

Aaron_F any thoughts?
in the short run, as in maybe a day, probably not, but there are so many trace elements and nutrients that come in real foods that aren't in supplements.
Plus I would worry that you could OD from getting way too much of whatever vitamins,minerals and additional supps that might be thrown in the mix.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (BoSox @ Oct. 23 2004,4:30)]in the short run, as in maybe a day, probably not, but there are so many trace elements and nutrients that come in real foods that aren't in supplements.
What exactly are these elements and nutrients? Can't they also come in some pill form. For example, we have things like Fiber pills now.

Also if you think about how many Americans go all day on junk food, not eating any fruits/vegetables. I'm sure thats not nearly as bad as MRPs.

I guess what I"m wondering is what is it exactly about real food that's so important? I remember Lee Priest once wrote that "you only grow on real food, not supplements". I found this shocking considering the guy was sponsored by Twinlab. Could there be something about meat protein that's more anabolic than the protein we get from whey?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (foozballking @ Oct. 24 2004,6:55)]What exactly are these elements and nutrients? Can't they also come in some pill form. For example, we have things like Fiber pills now.
There are thousands upon thousands of chemical components of food that you cannot get from supplements. Hell there is very little proof that addition vitamins that are not in the origonal wrapper (fruit/vege) actually show any long term health benefit.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]
Also if you think about how many Americans go all day on junk food, not eating any fruits/vegetables. I'm sure thats not nearly as bad as MRPs.
Strangely enough, in most junk food they are eating a reasonable quantity of veges etc. Doesnt mean their health would not be better with additional fruits n veges
Aaron, back to his question though, do you think there would be any ill effect for a short term, like a day or even two a week?
What about a diet consisting of...

400g oatmeal

11 Fish Oil Caps
2 tbsp Flax Oil
1 tbsp Saff Oil

32 oz. milk

4 scoops whey

Plus training days - 30g dextrose and 2 more scoops of whey

And then possibly a scoop or two of casein at night.

This has all real food, basically. A multivit could be taken along with it, but in general, is it balanced well?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (dkm1987 @ Oct. 26 2004,4:25)]Aaron, back to his question though, do you think there would be any ill effect for a short term, like a day or even two a week?
probably not a whole lot of effect from it

maybe increased hunger
Chupa, why not give some reasons behind what you say? Either that, or don't say anything at all. I don't need or want empty criticism.

Aaron, perhaps?

Oats - low gi, source of fiber, carbs
Oils - Almost a 1:1 ratio of Omega6:Omega3 acids. Saff is high in O6's, flax has it's own benefits, and the fish oils contain DPA/EHA which are devoid in flax oil. Fats are covered
Protein - quick and easy to use powders only. Bryan approved of it, even if it's the quick-digesting whey.

I see nothing wrong with that.

Oh, and the milk is to blend - 100g oats, 8 oz. milk, a tbsp of oil and some protein powder. I use shakes all day to deal with a 14 hour day. School, training, work...
sounds awful

but if its all you can do, then its all you can do.

I would spend more time making up real food, into frozen meals and having them as I go
Awful as in tasting bad? Nah. It tastes pretty awesome, actually.

If you mean awful as in it not being adequate - again, say why. I don't want answers without reasons behind them. If it's bad, I want to know why it's bad, and why it should be changed.
It has been said several times in this thread that there are thousands of phytochemicals and micronutrients found in whole foods that are absent from a diet that consists of five or six foods. Not only that, current research would suggest that the proper ratios of phytochemicals and the most effective delivery systems are found in whole foods.

Most notably to my eye, you are talking about a diet utterly devoid of fresh fruit and vegetables - a key source of phytochemicals. You cannot take a pill to replace this lack in your diet.

I would also suggest more variety in your protein, fat and carb sources. You should not think about your diet as just the macronutrients, but also think about obtaining a broad spectrum of the micronutrients. This is best accomplished by a wide variety of macronutrient sources.

I should underscore you really need at least a serving of fresh fruit or vegetables with each meal.

If there are issues with portability, etc, then as Aaron states you can pre-cook food and either eat it cold or put it in a thermos to keep it warm.

I am self-employed, work ~twelve hours a day, have a family, train at least daily (twice in season), and still have time to nail my diet (not to mention wasting time at places like this).

The following foods can either be stuffed in a thermos or are palatable cold:

Starches: brown rice, brown rice cakes, barley, blackeye peas, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, yams; you can cook this stuff in a big batch periodically, measure it out and have it ready to go for several days - up to a week. It is also possible to make oatmeal/whole grain pancakes and muffins that are very portable, etc.

Fibrous: brocoli, asparagus, spinach, peas, green beans, carrots, bell peppers, etc. Again, you can steam/nuke these in the AM and throw it into a thermos. Also just eat these raw - but don't overdo the broc or you will get a goiter. ;)

Fruits: blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, apples, peaches, apricot, plums, also kiwi, banana. Just wash these and eat them raw with the skin - all low gi and packing a major micronutrient punch.

Protein: hard boiled eggs (also great fat source, NTM, choline, etc) lean steak cuts (another good fat source), chicken breast, cheeses, milk, cottage cheese. Get a small cooler with an ice pack for the dairy. Heat up the meat and toss it in a thermos. You can make a weeks worth of chicken breast at one shot.

Fats: The oils of course: flax, udo, hemp, olive oil. Also: avocado, olives, almonds, hazelnuts, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, raw nut butters.

You can become quite artful with complicated recipes using only the items listed above and a few spices - many of which are quite portable or palatable cold. Or you can just do it ala-carte as needed.

I hope this is helpful.