Weight Gainer


New Member
Bryan, do you ever plan on making an HSN Weight Gainer? I'd be interested in this as I have trouble meeting my calorie requirements. If not, would you recommend the N-Large 2 brand or any other? Thanks :)
I can't really comment on how good Nlarge2 is for gaining weight but I've been taking it for a pre/post workout during cutting and maintenence. Some people give it a hard time because of it's fat and carb content but that #### is in there mostly for calories as far as I am concerned. There are plenty of other weight gainers out there that contain many more calories so if you just want the extra calories, I guess you can try them. On the other hand, I'd recommend just getting a good protein/carb source and filling in the calorie gaps with something else.

Try http://www.proteincustomizer.com/ for a customized protein/carb shake. It may be more expensive but you at least have control over where your calories are coming from. I personally haven't gotten anything from him so maybe somebody else can give a response on how decent his mixes are. A knowledgeable friend told me that he really noticed a difference between the Nlarge2 and the stuff he was getting from that customizer site (aka, the custom blend was better) *shrugs* Again, not to be a fan boy but just passing off the info.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (BIGBANGSingh @ Oct. 08 2003,6:09)]Bryan, do you ever plan on making an HSN Weight Gainer? I'd be interested in this as I have trouble meeting my calorie requirements. If not, would you recommend the N-Large 2 brand or any other? Thanks :)
PrimePLUS and DrivePLUS are complete meal replacements. In addition to these there will also be two new carbohydrate supplements added to the HSN line which will allow you to adjust not only the quantity but also the type of carbohydrates in your drink. One will contain glucose polymers with a dash of vitamins and minerals and the other will contain DrivePLUS's original blend of whole grains with a dash of glucose polymers. So with these you have complete control of your carb/protein ratio etc.