Quote[/b] (Aaron_F @ Mar. 03 2004,7:29)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Calkid @ Feb. 28 2004,1:10)]That would be lean mass. Fat takes very very few calories to maintain relative to muscle tissue.
While this is fine for a lean person, somebody with a high pecentage of BF needs the energy calculated off total bodyweight. BMR (and to some extents TEE) correlates as good with total bodyweight as it does with LBM.
Fat is relatively metabolically active, and muscle doesnt really require as many calories as one would expect to maintain it at rest. Now during actitvity, muscle energy use increases, but it will increase more if it has to cart around 30lb of extra fat as well

If we get two people, one 120kg with 60kg lean mass, and the other 70kg with 60kg lean mass, do they need the same calories...