Great lifts but if you did the 200kg "from the top" then that's a different movement. You benefit from the stretch reflex if you start from the top. Lifting off the floor is where it's at. If I've totally misunderstood then my bad. Not my intention to rain on your parade.200kg ticked off the list
13 clustered deads, shoeless, from the top; 3 - 100kg, 2 - 140kg, 2 - 160kg (warm ups), 4 - 180kg, 3 - 190kg, 2 - 200kg, 1 - 180kg (had to get it off floor after failure on 2nd 200kg cluster), 3 - 190kg. I learned to deadlift from the top, and still prefer it. It's more natural for me, I get better involvement from glutes and hams during lower portion of the lift. Pretty stoked. Need new goals now.