Weights, cardio and stuff log

9 clustered deads; 3 - 70kg, 3 - 120kg, 1 - 170kg (warm ups), 5 - 190kg, 4 - 200kg. Couldn't quite get 200 for a 2nd set, *so* close though.

15 clustered landmine press; 5,5,5 - 50kg.

7 clustered rack pulls; 1 - 140kg, 1 - 180kg (warm ups), 1 - 220kg, 3,3 - 210kg. Didn't have much left after the deads.

10 clustered shoulder press machine; 5,5 - 70kg. Found a new one that goes up to 100kg.

3x10 cable face-pulls w/rope handles; 65kg. I feel like my shoulder discomfort during traditional pressing exercises is probably due to a strength imbalance, ere go - work that shoulder blade and rear delt a bit more, bring it up to par.
4 x 200kg? Without pause? Are you letting it land or are you "bouncing"? Soon time for a 1RM soon? 230/240?

Just out of curiosity: how long are you training before you take an SD? Are you doing any kind of metabolic work?
Not 'bouncing', but not pausing for a total reset either. There's definitely not a momentum/bounce factor except for the last rep sometimes.

Pretty sure my 'gun to the head' 1RM is around 210 or so.

I don't SD often. I prefer deloading via exercise-selection alternation.

No metabolic work atm, not in surplus.
15 clustered BB rows; 3 - 50kg, 3 - 100kg, 1 - 130kg (warm ups), 5,5 - 140kg, 3,2 - 145kg. Form and strength is returning quickly, v.pleased.

13 clustered CG bench; 5 - 60kg, 5 - 80kg (warm ups), 5 - 100kg, 4,4 - 102.5kg.

23 clustered one-arm cable face-pulls/high rows; 8,8,7 - 65kg. I think these are the best direct rear delt work I can do with a good range of motion and balancing load. Not convinced that rear delt raises are heavy enough to balance out the anterior delt, but will be adding them in as well none-the-less.

9 clustered shoulder press machine; 5,4 - 70kg. This machine offer a lot of resistance (poor leverage and design), 70kg on this feel substantially heavier than a standard 70kg OHP does for some reason.
When you are deadlifting 200 kg and you are controlling the descent, there isn't going to be a whole hell of a lot of bounce anyway. It's only if you let the weight take you back down and bypass the eccentric completely that the weight can actually bounce off the floor. However, you will have stored energy in your tendons that will assist with breaking it back off the floor, whereas a total pause where you reset you lose that energy. Unless you are trying to improve your ability to initially get the weight off the floor, there isn't any real reason in bodybuilding to insert a significant pause between reps.
10 clustered deads; 3 - 70kg, 3 - 120kg, 1 - 170kg (warm ups) 5 - 190kg, 4,1 - 195kg. Definitely need a rest day tomorrow. May go back to doing these top-down again. Rack pulls will also be coming back. Just need to figure out how to work each in and the optimum mix of volume and load.

10 clustered BB rows; 3 - 70kg, 3 - 100kg (warm ups), 2 - 130kg, 4,4 - 140kg.

9 clustered CG bench; 5 - 60kg, 4 - 80kg (warm ups), 4 - 105kg, 5 - 110kg.

2x6 rear delt fly; 45kg. Stupid idiots taking up the cables for nonsense curls and extensions, so had to do this rather than face-pulls again. Really liked them, shoulders are feeling a lot better this past week than the week before. Will continue the extra work as re-hab moving to pre-hab from here on out.
12 clustered rack pulls; 3 - 100kg, 2 - 140kg, 1 - 180kg, 1 - 200kg (warm ups); 1 - 210kg, 7 - 220kg, 4 - 230kg.

5 clustered deadlifts, top-down; 2 - 180kg, 3 - 190kg. Went for 200kg but had nothing left. Going to do both of these on by day 1 and day 3 sessions, alternating primacy and load/load max %. Ala on Friday it will be heavy deads with rack pulls in the 210 - 220kg range. Ideally 8 or so reps for the 2nd exercise.

10 clustered CG bench; 5 - 60kg, 4 - 80kg (warm ups), 1 - 100kg, 5 - 105kg, 4 - 110kg.

15 clustered one-arm cable face-pulls; 8 - 65kg, 7 - 70kg. Rotators continuing to improve.

10 clustered should press machine; 5 - 70kg, 5 - 75kg.

11 clustered leg extensions; 5,6 - 95kg. Machine maxes out at 100kg. I think doing them one leg at a time, alternating within a set might be the way to go from here on out.
14 clustered BB rows; 3 - 70kg, 3 - 100kg, 1 - 130kg (warm ups) 6,5 - 140kg, 3 - 145kg.

2x8 external cable rotations - 15kg
2x8 cable-raise rotations - 15kg

8 clustered flat bench; 5 - 60kg, 4 - 80kg, 2 - 100kg (warm ups), 2,3,3, - 120kg. Felt 'ok', not awesome. Will probably continue CG on days 1 and 3.

16 clustered cable face-pulls; 8,8 - 70kg.
When you are deadlifting 200 kg and you are controlling the descent, there isn't going to be a whole hell of a lot of bounce anyway. It's only if you let the weight take you back down and bypass the eccentric completely that the weight can actually bounce off the floor. However, you will have stored energy in your tendons that will assist with breaking it back off the floor, whereas a total pause where you reset you lose that energy. Unless you are trying to improve your ability to initially get the weight off the floor, there isn't any real reason in bodybuilding to insert a significant pause between reps.

Ditto. You're one of the few contemporary amateur bodybuilders out there who dare to believe that strength gains don't necessarily equal mass gains. Doing linear progression of weights 5lb at a time 3 times a week can get you much stronger in an amount of 1-2 months (even when you're on a diet), with none to modest mass gains. It has for me. As HST book states, it takes more to optimize mass gains: first of all, you'd better SD to resensitize your muscles, and use bigger increments (10 lb?) at a time to obtain more muscle and less strength growth. I admit that what I've been doing lately (rack pulls from 150kg to 170kg x6, goal for this cycle: 180x1, and 145-150x1 classic DL after) is pure strength training, but I will definitely shift my gear to SD (when I'm done dieting, for now simply de-load), de-load to 50% of working loads and ramp back up in 10% increments in 2 weeks. AlexAustralia withholding SD and using small increments + lower rep work isn't really HST currently either.
Ditto. You're one of the few contemporary amateur bodybuilders out there who dare to believe that strength gains don't necessarily equal mass gains. Doing linear progression of weights 5lb at a time 3 times a week can get you much stronger in an amount of 1-2 months (even when you're on a diet), with none to modest mass gains. It has for me. As HST book states, it takes more to optimize mass gains: first of all, you'd better SD to resensitize your muscles, and use bigger increments (10 lb?) at a time to obtain more muscle and less strength growth. I admit that what I've been doing lately (rack pulls from 150kg to 170kg x6, goal for this cycle: 180x1, and 145-150x1 classic DL after) is pure strength training, but I will definitely shift my gear to SD (when I'm done dieting, for now simply de-load), de-load to 50% of working loads and ramp back up in 10% increments in 2 weeks. AlexAustralia withholding SD and using small increments + lower rep work isn't really HST currently either.

Get your $hit out of my log.

If it matters to you whether your regime fits a limited extrapolation of HST (or rather, hypertrophy-inducing) principles or not, is irrelevant. It doesn't matter to me whether your opinion of my regime is that it fits HST.

Hell, nothing in the post Totentanz made has anything to do with your continuation in your own post - why quote if there's next to zero correlation? Regardless, you have you your own log to catalog your thoughts and training.

Do not post in my log again unless you have a direct and specific question to me regarding my training regime. And yes, if you're interested in stretching the seams of your shirt with size gains in the shoulders, back, traps and chest, or adding to your arms, without significantly screwing up your waistline (hint: it's called 'diet'), then my program will work successfully for you - just as it has for me.

Repeat: do not post your nonsense here.
What's your problem, dude? I was commenting on Totentanz' post. Who are you, once again? :) If he replies, so will I, etc, here, or in another thread, etc. Let me use this opportunity to ask you to not be polluting my log at all any more, because pretty much everything you've said there is just plain bro-science nonsense ("you aren't eating enough for fiber growth", as if body couldn't accommodate to any type of stress & nutrition regime it's being put through), and has zero value to non-bro followers.
14 clustered deadlifts, top-down; 3 - 60kg, 2 - 100kg, 2 - 140kg, 1 - 180kg (warm ups); 5 - 190kg, 4 - 195kg, 4 - 200kg, 1 neg - 205kg,

10 clustered rack pulls; 1 - 200kg, 6,3 - 210kg. Felt good, great form, stopped one rep shy of the rep before failure on final cluster. Could feel lower back only had one more rep in it before it gave. I imagine this will be back to 220kg post-deads soon enough.

18 clustered shoulder press machine; 3 - 60kg (warm ups), 5 - 70kg, 5 - 75kg, 4,4 - 80kg.

13 clustered unilateral leg-extensions; 7 - 45kg, 6 - 50kg. Nice and controlled.

15 clustered unilateral cable face-pulls; 8,7 - 70kg. Will bump this next time and see how it goes.
13 clustered rack pulls; 3 - 100kg, 3 - 140kg, 1 - 180kg, 1 - 200kg (warm ups), 8 - 220kg, 5 - 230kg. Might go back to max-stim for these to continue pushing strength to play back into deads. The clustering is definitely helping w/lower back 'strength endurance' though.

7 clustered deadlifts, top-down; 2 - 180kg, 3,2 - 190kg. 6-8 reps feels about right for deads on day 1.

10 clustered flat bench; 3 - 60kg, 5 - 80kg, 3 - 100kg (warm ups), 3,4,3 - 120kg. It's getting back again. Right rotator is still not 100%, but moving in the (no pun) right direction.

15 clustered unilateral cable face-pulls; 8 - 70kg, 7 - 75kg. I'm not taking the weight for these as gospel, given it's a cable using a plate stack (ala most machines), so tracking the progression is more relevant than the load.

12 clustered unilateral leg extensions; 6,6 - 50kg.

Back is feeling pretty happy. Doing deads after rack pulls forces into much better form, I find, as the back is basically @#$%'d, so it's hamstrings and glutes taking that load. If I could get a 220kg top-down dead by the end of the year I'd be happy. 250kg rack pulls as well would be nice.
16 clustered BB rows; 3 - 70kg, 3 - 100kg, 2 - 130kg (warm ups) 6,5 - 140kg, 5 - 145kg.

14 clustered shoulder press machine; 3 - 60kg, 2 - 70kg (warm ups) 5,5 - 80kg, 4 - 85kg.

16 clustered unilateral cable face-pulls; 8,8 - 75kg.

1x8 lat raises - 12.5kg. V.slow for both concentric and eccentric. Trying to please my rotators at every turn.

2x15 push ups w/handles, neutral spacing. Just some metabolic work and to keep the chest a tiny bit interested today.
12 clustered deads, top-down; 3 - 100kg, 3 - 140kg, 1- 180kg (warm ups), 3 - 190kg, 4 - 200kg, 4 - 200kg, 1 - 205kg. Kept volume low on 190 to save it for the good stuff.

8 clustered rack pulls, 1 - 205kg, 1 - 210kg, 3,3 - 220kg.

14 clustered shoulder press machine; 3 - 60kg, 1 - 70kg (warm ups), 5 - 80kg, 5,4 - 85kg.

15 clustered cable face-pulls; 7,8 - 75kg.
Rest days so boring ...

Looking a second push/press exercise to include on day 1's. Probably BB OHP's. It will take me some time to get used to that motion again, certainly no rush.
12 max-stim rack pulls; 3 - 100kg, 3 - 140kg, 1 - 180kg, 1 - 200kg (warm ups), 4 - 220kg, 8 - 230kg.

7 deadlifts, top-down; 1 - 180kg, 3 - 190kg, 3 - 195kg.

12 clustered CG bench; 5 - 60kg, 4 - 80k (warm ups), 1 - 100kg, 6,5 - 105kg.

12 max-stim unilateral leg extensions; 12 - 50kg. Instead of clusters of 6, managed 12 easy doing max-stim. Time to bump the load some more.

15 clustered cable face-pulls; 8,7 - 75kg.
14 clustered BB rows; 4 - 70kg, 3 - 100kg, 2 - 130kg (warm ups), 6 - 140kg, 4 - 145kg, 4 - 150kg.

2x 8 rear delt raises - 12.5kg

17 clustered flat bench; 5 - 60kg, 5 - 80kg, 3 - 100kg (warm ups) 3 - 110kg, 3,3,4,4 - 120kg.

2x10 cable extensions - 15kg

17 clustered cable face-pulls; 10 - 75kg, 7 - 80kg.