Weights, cardio and stuff log

Current routine, adjusted for injury management:

Day 1:

10-13 deads, from floor, 1-5RM range
4-8 rack pulls, from knee height or just above (lowering RM due to neck/trap strain)
10-12 max-stim CG bench, 1-3RM range
10 max-stim squats, 5-6RM range

11-15 max-stim/clustered rows, 3RM range
10-15 clustered BTN press, 3-5RM range
3x10 bent-arm delt raises, 15kg (might go to 20kg on these)

Day 3:
10-15 clustered/max-stim rack pulls, knee height or just above knee (same injury adustment)
4-8 deads, from top or floor depending on the day, 3RM range
10-12 max-stim CG bench, 1-3RM range
10 max-stim squats, 5-6RM range
**may make this a Day1 replica to sooth injury recovery

Day4: rest then repeat from Day1

I'm on holiday come March 11th until March 29th, look out Japan etc.

Aiming for a 230kg from the floor by March 10th.

CG Bench to go up to 140kg for my working weight.

8 weeks to get that done.
So yesterday, this prick of a fuc|< face smacks into me carrying a pair of DB's at chest height (think top of a hammer curl). One of them went right into by rib cage, right hand side (the formerly healthy side).

At about 5am this morning, I sprained a ligament in my sleep. Not as bad as cracked rib in August-September, but enough to keep me out of the weights room for about a week.

I suppose I'll consider it a minor SD ... I really hate people sometimes.
12 clustered deads; 3 - 70kg, 2 - 120kg, 1 - 170kg (warm ups); 1 - 200kg, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1 - 205kg, 3,1 - 210kg.

Bent-arm rear delt raises; 3x10 - 15kg

Tricep pushdowns; 5,5 - 75kg, 5 - 85kg.

So I discovered that I can't do bench til this is healed (at least a week, minimum, for anything above ~65% 1RM, but I can do deads, rows, squats etc. if done sensibly.

So I guess that's what I'm doing for a little while. Will try to keep BTN press in there to retain most of my pressing strength, and throw in the pushdowns to that effect as well.
14 clustered deads; 3 - 70kg, 1 - 120kg, 1 - 170kg (warm ups); 1,1,1,1,1 - 205kg, 1,1,1,3 - 210kg, 1,1 - 215kg, 1 - 220kg. PR.

Cheers mate.

Tired of picking up niggling annoying injuries though. I wanted to get a 150kg bench before holiday in March, don't think that will happen now due to at least two weeks without being able to press.

Deadlift should keep going up though.
13 clustered rows; 5 - 75kg, 3 - 105kg, 2 - 135kg (warm ups); 4,4,5 - 155kg. Think I will go back to doing these max-stim for now. Definitely easier working through the injury that way.

BTN press; 5 - 40kg (warm ups); 5 - 60kg, 5,5 - 65kg. Woot! A pressing exercise I can do all day. Booyah.

Bent-arm rear delt raises; 3x10 - 15kg.
I'm loving it right now (BTN). Hits the shoulder more uniformly than military and I feel like it's an extreme shoulder-friendly exercise (rotator cuff, balance etc.) provided you do it safely (like all exercises).


12 clustered deads; 4 - 70kg, 1 - 120kg, 1 - 170kg (warm ups); 1,1 - 205kg, 1,1,1,1,1 - 210kg, 1,1,1 - 215kg, 1,1 - 220kg. PR for total volume on last two loads.

15 clustered BTN; 5 - 40kg (warm ups); 5 - 65kg, 5,5 - 75kg.

15 max-stim rows; 5 - 75kg, 3 - 105kg, 2 - 135kg (warm ups); 15 - 155kg.

13 BTN press; 5 - 60kg (warm ups); 5 - 70kg, 4,4 - 75kg.

Bent-arm rear delt raises; 3x10 - 17.5kg.
Yeh, standing. Doing them as push-press. You get explosive concentric and a great eccentric.


10 clustered deads; 5 - 70kg, 1 - 120kg, 1 - 170kg (warm ups); 2 - 205kg, 2,1,1 - 210kg, 1,1,1,1 - 215kg. Had a highly interrupted session w/work on the phone and real estate agent drama/crap. I've just moved house this week, new place has 3 flights of stairs (car park, living space, master en suite). Great for general fitness and workload I guess, but until I adapt, my legs are just exhausted right now (in a good way, but exhausted none-the-less.

13 clustered BTN; 5 - 60kg (warm ups); 5 -70kg, 4,4 - 75kg.

I think I will be adding rack pulls back onto day 1 and then second session of rows onto day 3. Maybe vice-versa. Rep count about 6-8 for each. Should be able to resume benching in a week, I think.
Doesn't the act of doing a BTN press as a push-press put a ton of strain on your neck, Alex? I get the thought - but that seems to open you up to injury potential.
Actually, no.

It's a controlled lift, and I know a lot of people who've done them for years with no troubles.

I don't think a movie should do them, but they're certainly a safe exercise when done correctly (like most exercises).
I gave them a try yesterday. It felt fine. I had to pause a bit longer than with military so as to keep form, but it hit the delts more....I think. Ill skip all standing presses on the 5´s in favour for seated machine ohp. When I go back to the 8´s Ill do BTN instead and see how it goes.
8 clustered deads; 5 - 70kg, 1 - 120kg, 1 - 170kg (warm ups); 1,1,1 - 205kg, 1,1,1,1 - 210kg, 1 - 215kg. I think I need to spend a bit more time warming up to the 210 and beyond. Probably start pumping out more like 15-20 reps, and get in 7-8 at 205kg first. Just v.tired.

14 clustered chins; BW - 5,5,4. Going to add in more of these for general lats and biceps volume, instead of surplus rows. To paraphrase a great man, embodying a great character, from the greatest film franchise ... ever; 'definitely the mofo'ing droids I'm looking for'.
Chins are king of upper body work, hard to find a better exercise for the upper body pulling muscles.
I prefer rows, but I'd like to relieve some of the static work being done by glutes and hamstrings that goes with correct-technique.

I find chins are better for biceps as well, which is where my weak link currently lies for rows.
10 clustered deads; 5 - 70kg, 2 - 120kg, 1 - 170kg (warm ups); 1,1,1,1,1,5 - 205kg. Had unfinished business. 5-for is volume PR.

14 clustered BTN; 5 - 60kg (warm ups); 5 - 70kg, 5,4 - 75kg.

10 max-stim chins; BW - 10. Will add load to these, keeping as max-stim, M-time maxing out at 7-8 seconds.