Weights, cardio and stuff log

Squats; 3 - 60kg, 3 - 80kg, 3 - 100kg (warm ups); 3 - 120kg, 3 - 130kg, 2 - 140kg. Stopped here. I'm too p-chain dominant and I keep leaning forward too much and becoming too good morning-like above 130kg. Will stick to 130kg for now, and continue box squats.

Box squats; 5,5 - 100kg, 5,5 - 110kg.

Lying supported rows; 3 - 60kg, 3 - 100kg, 2 - 120kg (warm ups); 4,4,4,4 - 130kg.
Without OWL shoes it's going to be that much harder to stay upright unless your dorsiflexion is above average. I know I'd struggle.
Deficit deads; 5 - 70kg, 3 - 120kg, 1 - 170kg, 1 - 180kg, 1 - 190kg (warm ups); 1 - 200kg, 1,1 - 205kg, 1,1 - 210kg, 1,1 - 215kg, 1,2 - 220kg, 1,1 - 225kg.

Deads; 4 - 210kg PR. Will probably add a second back-down work set of normal deads from now on.

WG pulls; 5 - 75kg (warm ups); 5,5,5,5 - 105kg.

Shoulders still a little DOMS-ish from lifting bench at a lower height on Wednesday, so decided to pass it up today. Will do OHP tomorrow for an extra set maybe.
Hmm ... probably the width that I when I make right angles w/arms above head.

Squats; 3 - 60kg, 3 - 80kg, 3 - 100kg (warm ups); 3,3,3,3,3,3 - 120kg. Rebuilding this thing.

C&P; 3x5 - 60kg. Really trying to focus on hip extension here, lifting w/lower body only. Will perhaps incorporate the front squat-drop as well (more clean, less power-clean)

OHP; 2x5 - 80kg. Cleaned the weight up each time. Think I will take a break from push press to do C&P for a while.

Lying Supported Rows; 3 - 60kg, 2 - 90kg, 1 - 120kg (warm ups); 5,5,5 - 130kg.

2hrs badminton - feeling wrecked.
Ah, my misunderstanding! Thought you were doing a version of snatch-grip pulls but you were doing pull-downs.
Nice pressing btw. Were the 80kg presses strict?
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Except for the 10th one, yeh. Think I can probably manage a 100kg strict on the platform (not on the floor mats though).
Deads; 5 - 70kg, 3 - 120kg, 1 - 170kg, 1 - 180kg, 1 - 190kg (warm ups); 1 - 200kg, 1,1 - 210kg, BELT 1,1 - 215kg, 1,1 - 220kg, 1,1 - 225kg, 1 - 230kg, 1 - 235kg, 1 - 240kg, 3/4 - 250kg FAIL. 4,3 - 210kg.

Warm ups were done using deficit.

SO fucking close to 250kg. My lower back was tired and I couldn't get it lock out.

It's happening next Monday.

Second session;

Bench; 5 - 80kg, 4 - 100kg (warm ups); 1 - 120kg, 1 - 120kg, 2,2,2,2 - 135kg.

WG pulls; 5 - 75kg (warm ups); 5,5 - 105kg, 1 - 112.5kg
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Decided to give the lower back a break today and forgo squats in favour of (power) clean & press. I might make this a regular thing for Thursdays (today is Tuesday obv.) and stick to squatting twice weekly.

PC&P; 5 - 40kg, 5 - 60kg (warm ups); 3,3,3 - 80kg, 1,1,1,1 - 90kg. My form is downright $hithouse, so when that comes along I expect I'll be able to hit 110-120 range.

Lying supported rows; 3 - 95kg, 1 - 125kg (warm ups); 3,4,4 - 135kg. Good reps.
Well unless/until I actually do a serious cut, there's no chance I'll enter in any competitions. Too many useless kg's on food hanging about compared to the roided up monsters I'd be competing against here.
Deficit deads; 5 - 70kg, 3 - 120kg, 1 - 170kg, 1 - 180kg, 1 - 190kg (warm ups); 1 - 200kg, 2,2 - 210kg, 2 - 215kg, 1,1 - 220kg. Didn't have 225 in me. Also, deficit was an extra 1-2cm this time due to worn out cushioning on the floor (barbell sinks etc.).

Deads; 5 - 210kg PR.

WG pulls; 5 - 75kg (warm ups); 5,5 - 105kg, 5 - 112.5kg.

Second session;

Good mornings; 3 - 80kg, 2 - 100kg, 2 - 110kg (warm ups); 3 - 120kg, 5 - 130kg, 5 - 135kg, 5 - 140kg.

Bench; 3 - 60kg, 4 - 80kg, 4 - 100kg (warm ups); 1 - 120kg, 1 - 130kg, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 - 135kg. Pretty damn sore from C&P yesterday so stuck to singles. Want to progress this a bit faster but have been focusing on exercises that matter more.
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C&P; 5,5 - 40kg (warm ups); 3,3,3 - 60kg, 3,3,3 - 80kg, 2,2 - 90kg. 3 rep press on the last 90kg C&P.

Lying supported rows; 3 - 95, 2 - 125 (warm ups); 4 - 135kg, 4,4 - 140kg.
Deads; 5 - 70kg, 3 - 120kg, 1 - 170kg, 1 - 180kg, 1 - 190kg (warm ups); 1 - 200kg, BELT, 2 - 210kg, 2 - 215kg, 1 - 220kg, 1 - 225kg, 2,2,2 - 230kg PR. 3 - 210kg. All warm ups done in deficit.

Form was spot on, awesome frikkin' deadlifting session.

WG pulls; 5,5 - 112.5kg.

Second session;

Good mornings; 3 - 100kg, 3 - 120kg (warm ups); 5 - 130kg, 5 - 135kg, 5 - 140kg.

Bench; 5 - 60kg, 4 - 80kg (warm ups); pause; 5,5,3. 3-count pause.
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Three doubles at 230!!! Heck man. Awesome PR. Grindy second reps? That's a brutal dead session. I'm guessing you slept well that night?
Cheers guys. Pretty happy with the session. rep 6 was a bit grindy//form a tad slippery, but for the most part they were spot on. My hip hinge is spot on now, have everything down pat and deficit training was/is a big part of that.

My back, glutes and especially hamstrings are starting to really get massive. Well, glutes have always been massive, and back never unimpressive but it's starting to shine through ~18-20% b.f right now. I'm slowly dialing the calories back too, will do a prolonged cut from now until year's end, probably get back to 110 range, take a few weeks of fun at Christmas-NY's break in Houston, then jump back on the wagon when I get back.

I think I can get my max up to around 280 by year's end, with belt and no dramatic set backs or injuries.

Oh yeh, the key to getting massive and strong? Lifting heavy and not pussy footing around ;).

Squats; 4 - 60kg, 4 - 80kg, 3 - 100kg (warm ups); 1 - 120kg, 1,1,2,2,2,2 - 130kg.

WG pulls; 5,5,5 - 112.5kg.

Pressed for time today, so squats were done w/relatively short rest periods and pulls because it's faster than setting up the rows.