What is the best diet for HST?


New Member
i've read of posts about CKD, TKD? and read that there is low carb in those diets (meaning high fats and adequate protein?). low carb means low glycogen after WO? isn't glycogen replenishment important after WO? i'm just confused on what diet will be best for maximizing growth on HST.
I would have thought 50%/25%/25% (carb/pro/fat) or similar. Low carb would prolly be for those who gain fat easily and dont want the xtra carbs during bulking....tho I dont see how u can keep carbs low and still bulk up efficiently.
Read the "Eating for Size" article........
i've read the eating for size article but it doesn't say
exactly when to eat it. like for example post WO carb would be 1g per kg.

and what is it with low carbs, high protein after 6pm?