Where are you from?

Melbourne, Land of Oz

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Melbourne Oz.

Most liveable city in the world... along with vancouver...


Absolutely :) ....(well, not sure how vancouver is but hey )
hi guys,

like Spencer, i'm from Singapore :)

just finished an 8-week cycle of Max-OT and will be starting on my 1st HST cycle next week. currently trying out various styles of workouts to see what works best for me... then again, i may just rotate them regularly for variety

nice to meet you guys and hope to learn more about HST from you guys in the future

hy everybody ... hmm i wonder which country weren't represented yet *hehe* ... the word is spreading

I'm a russian immigrant living in germany but i lived in the states for a year as an exchange student .. must say it was good times .... football.... wrestling.. junkfood .. i loved it :D

right now i live in Stuttgart which i like very much - besides tha fact that i'm too far away from my family and my girlfriend


Another Finnish guy here...
I've lived in California for a few years, though (the Bay Area, to be more precise). I absolutely loved the weather and the pace of life over there, and also learned to write flawless English and speak with a perfect American accent, which I use to get more chicks up here! ;) I just walk into any bar, don my cheesy American smile, brandish my best American accent, and the magic begins to happen. American guys are generally in high demand with Finnish babes, so it helps me get all the action I would ever want... :D

good ol blighty......

north London U.K.
wow, I'm living in Ontario, Canada. I seem to be in a minority here

or not, just leafed through the thread some more and found lots of canadians

I grew up on the west coast of Canada tho, to me the ppl from Ontario east DO say "aboot"! My aunt lives in Ottawa and I bug her about it all the time. Also I only watch hockey during the playoffs, I prefer roadracing vintage Ducati's, and drink beer about once a month at best.

Happy hypertrophy!