whistle's training log

Thursday, January 6

15 rep session #3

Warm up: Jump rope - 200 singles

Bench Press - 100 lbs
Pullup - BW+5 lbs
Dip - BW+5 lbs
Back Squat - 110 lbs
Shoulder Press - 60 lbs
DB Bent Over Row - 110 lbs (total)

Cool down: Close grip BP, Tri ext, Upright row
Friday, January 7:

Cardio/Ab day

20 min on treadmill @ 5mph

10 minute ab workout:

Leg lift x 24
V-up progression x 48
Scissor kick x 48
Jack knife x 32
Leg lift x 24
Mountain climber x 48
Pushup x 32

15 rep session #4

Warm up: Jump rope - 250 singles

Bench Press - 105 lbs
Pullup - BW+5
Dip - BW+5
Back Squat - 120 lbs
Shoulder Press - 65 lbs
Shrug - 110 lbs

Cool down: Incline DB press @60 lbs, Decline BB Press @ 95 lbs, DB Fly @ 40 lbs; 45 minute walk
Things have been hectic the past week at home - baby and momma have been sick and I've been playing nurse/Mr. Mom - but I've kept up with my training and meal plan and things are going great!

I feel like I'm getting more out of the 15s this time around as I think I know better now how to work them - or how they work best for me.

Weighed myself during my SD and hit somewhere just shy of 161 lbs. Weighed myself this past week and saw my weight drop to 155. I hope it is water weight or something (my meal plan is low sodium and mostly whole foods + I've been doing a lot of sweating with all this endurance-type training) because I have been eating at what I thought was maintainance level. I'll add another 300 calories per day and see how this week goes.

Like I said, I think I'm getting more out of each workout this time around as every workout has felt like... a workout! None have been extremely easy - per se. I'm going to increase speed on the treadmill each week on cardio days so that once I hit the lower rep sessions I'll be doing more intense cardio every other day (I lost a lot of endurance during my last cycle in the final weeks) and add 50 jump rope singles each week for my strength day warm ups because I want to get better at skipping rope.
From yesterday, January 10:

Today - Cardio/Ab day

Warm up: 30 minute walk w/doggy

20 minutes on treadmill @ 5.5 mph

10 minute ab workout:

Lying leg lift (alternating) x 48
Lying leg lift (alternating) double time x 48
Leg lift w/ medicine ball touch x 32
Bicycle kick w/pause every 4th rep x 32
Bicycle kick double time x 48
Jack knife x 24
Seated pike hold x 32
Seated pike leg lift x 32

Cool down: stretch/bring in firewood

We're snowed in! Since the power is still on (knock on wood), it's all good - snow day!!!
15 rep session #5

Warm up: 250 jump rope singles

Bench Press - 110 lbs
Pullup - BW+10 lbs
Dip - BW+10 lbs
Deadlift - 150 lbs
Shoulder Press - 70 lbs
DB Bent Over Row - 120 lbs (total)

Cool down: Close grip bench @ 85 lbs, Tri ext @ 25 lbs (per DB), Upright row @ 60 lbs - all 'repped out' for a nice burn

Tough workout today. I looked really big and full after the workout today and the wife was quite pleased. It didn't last very long, but was nice to imagine what I would look like all hulked out at that size! :-)
Very good start to the cycle, WD. Did you make the caloric adjustment you mentioned, and do you feel it's helping at all?

In terms of the bulk you experienced post-workout, it will translate into real growth at some point. Just keep on keepin' on and all will resolve exactly as you want.
Cardio/Ab day

20 min on treadmill @ 5.5mph

10 minute ab workout:

Side crunches (right side) x 48
Alternating leg lift x 32
Side crunches (left side) x 48
Crunch x 64
Long arm crunch x 40
Knee to elbow x 40
Jack knife x 32
Bicycle kick x 40

Everything is still frozen solid here in the deep south. Between wifey and baby being sick last week and the winter weather shutting down Atlanta this week, I managed to find myself a sweet little 2 week vacation! The 15s are kicking my ass this time around so it has been nice to be able to get the extra rest!
Very good start to the cycle, WD. Did you make the caloric adjustment you mentioned, and do you feel it's helping at all?

In terms of the bulk you experienced post-workout, it will translate into real growth at some point. Just keep on keepin' on and all will resolve exactly as you want.

Thanks _tim! Yeah, I've added some pnut butter to my evening smoothie - about 2.5 tablespoons for an additional 230 - 250 kcals. And for lunch, I've increased the meat portions thinking that will add about 100 kcals. So far, so good. My weight this week has held steady between 155 - 157. I hope I can keep that up. My goal would be to maintain 160 lbs with 12 - 15% bf. Maintainance is complicated, I'm learning.
15 rep session #6

Warm up: 250 jump rope singles

Bench Press -
warm up: 10*80 lbs, 4*135 lbs, 2*155 lbs
work sets: 120 lbs
Pullup - BW+10 lbs
Dip - BW+10 lbs
Back Squat -
warm up: 10*air squat, 5*130 lbs
work sets: 130 lbs
Shoulder Press - 75 lbs
Shrug - 135 lbs

Cool down: 22.5 lb DB curls - standing & incline, reverse curls w/45 lb bar - 1 set each repped out

Hard session today. The squats were really rough. I had to pause for a few seconds at the top every 2 reps after 10. My form started sucking - I imagine the last few resembled good mornings.

I hit 15 reps unbroken on everything for at least 1 set, though - so progress has been made. Every lift heavier than my prior cycle of 15s. +15 lbs on the squat, +10 on bench, pullup & dip, +5 on shoulder press.

Pullups were easier than expected. I could've put on another 5 lbs, for sure. Shoulder press was harder than expected - throughout the last 6 workouts. The last few reps today had a little push press in them.

Onward and upward! Next week, I'll revisit some of the same loads (zigging, zagging) as this week, but hitting 12 reps for the 1st set and repping out the 2nd set. I'm feeling stronger and looking forward to the coming weeks.
Cardio/Ab day

20 min on treadmill @ 5.5mph

10 minute ab workout:

Leg lift x 24
V-up progression x 48
Scissor kick x 48
Jack knife x 32
Leg lift x 24
Mountain climber x 48
1/2 Pushup x 32

Some unbroken - leg lift, 1/2 pushups - rest clustered in 2 sets
sounds like a lot for abs - is it working? what are your goals? i used to do a lot of ab work, but apart from a really strong core i didnt see much point.
sounds like a lot for abs - is it working? what are your goals? i used to do a lot of ab work, but apart from a really strong core i didnt see much point.

Besides having a strong core (and flashy six pack), the main goal on the cardio days is to just to keep my heartrate up. I lost a lot of endurance during the last cycle because I focused soley on eating as much as possible and lifting 3x a week. I didn't know how easy it would be for me to gain 20 lbs, always being a skinny guy - so I sat on my rump as much as possible. I succeeded at my goal - but I got a little fat and couldn't make an 8 minute mile if my life depended on it.

I didn't do any ab work last cycle or cardio - and I'm used to doing quite a bit of both. So I decided this cycle to keep eating about the same calories (but much cleaner this time around) and do cardio every other day. I'm increasing the running each week (to build my endurance back). I started at 20 minutes of treadmill @ 5 mph. I added .5 mph the week after and this week I'm @ 6 mph. I don't plan to run more than 2 miles, so next week I'll start shortening the treadmill time as I continue to increase the speed. Once I get over 7 mph, I'll switch to intervals.

Anyways, the ab stuff is there for 1) because I didn't do any ab stuff last cycle and missed it; 2) I want to get 20 - 30 minutes of cardio every other day for fat loss, but don't want to run any longer than 20 minutes or 2 miles total per session; and 3) core work assists other lifts - especially squats and deads
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From yesterday, January 16

12 rep session #1

Warm up: 300 jump rope singles

Bench Press - 105 lbs
Pullup - BW+5
Dip - BW+5
Back Squat - 110 lbs
Shoulder Press - 65 lbs
Shrug - 120 lbs

Cool down: Incline DB Press, Decline Press, DB Fly

Don't recall the weights on the cool down sets, didn't count reps - just pumpin'

Cardio/Ab day

Warm up: 2 mile walk w/doggy

20 minutes on treadmill @ 6 mph

10 minute ab session:

Lying leg lift (alternating) x 48
Lying leg lift (alternating) double time x 48
Leg lift w/ medicine ball touch x 32
Bicycle kick w/pause every 4th rep x 32
Bicycle kick double time x 48
Jack knife x 24
Seated pike hold x 32
Seated pike leg lift x 32

Cool down: static/loaded stretches
12 rep session #2

Warm up: 2 mile walk with doggy/300 jump rope singles

Bench Press - 110 lbs
Pullup - BW+5 lbs
Dip - BW+5 lbs
Deadlift - 135 lbs
Shoulder Press - 70 lbs
DB Bent Over Row - 110 lbs (total)

Cool down: Close Grip BP, Tri Ext, Up Row
Cardio/Ab day

20 min on treadmill @ 6mph

10 minute ab workout:

Side crunches (right side) x 48
Alternating leg lift x 32
Side crunches (left side) x 48
Crunch x 64
Long arm crunch x 40
Knee to elbow x 40
Jack knife x 32
Bicycle kick x 40

All is well. As I began the run, my hammies reminded me that I did deadlifts yesterday - must've been effective!

The fat loss this cycle has been noticeable since the end of week 1. Now my problem areas are starting to tone up too, pretty sweet! I'm seeing less love handle and more abdominal muscle. But the best part is that my weight is holding steady at 158.something. I'm being very mindful of my diet and it's paying off. I hope I can keep it up - it's a lot of work shopping for and preparing all the fresh, whole foods.
12 rep session #3

Warm up: 300 jump rope singles, 10 air squats, shoulder rotations, stretch

Bench Press - 115 lbs
Pullup - BW+10 lbs
Dip - BW+10 lbs
Back Squat - 125 lbs
Shoulder Press - 75 lbs
Shrug - 135 lbs

Cool down: various curls, rear delt raises, 30 minute walk w/doggy

Felt a little sick to my stomach between the pullups - back squats. Still got everything done. I don't know if it was something I ate or the physical exertion. I was in a hurry and not resting very long between sets. Felt fine after the squats, tho.
Felt a little sick to my stomach between the pullups - back squats. Still got everything done. I don't know if it was something I ate or the physical exertion. I was in a hurry and not resting very long between sets. Felt fine after the squats said:
I know that sick feeling all to well, The air conditioning in my gym is currently broken, and I think it may be that. I find drinking plenty of water during my workout usually helps combat the sick feeling
From yesterday, January 23:

12 rep session #4

Warm up: 350 jump rope singles, shoulder rotations, stretch, bench @ 105 lbs x 10 reps, deadlift @ 115 lbs x 10 reps

Bench Press - 120 lbs
Pullup - BW+10 lbs
Dip - BW+10 lbs
Deadlift - 150 lbs
Shoulder Press - 80 lbs
DB Bent Over Row - 120 lbs (total)

Cool down: DB Incline Press, Decline BB Press, Flys, stretch

Had a hella-busy weekend. My son's first birthday was yesterday, so we had a big party at our house with about 7 children and 18 adults. We spent 3 days preparing for the party and I was pretty wiped out when this workout came around. I felt like I half-assd it even though I hit everything as planned. I decided not to do my cardio/abs workout this morning and take a solid rest day since my rest day saturday was spent doing tons of cleaning and yardwork.

I'm hoping some recovery today will help me hit tomorrow's session hard.