yeap buddy! 3rd cycle

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wk 3, 30 Nov 07, fri day 3

1) barbell squats: 150 ibs
2) incline barbell press: 130 ibs
3) pendlay rows: 110 ibs
4) front military press: 95 ibs
5) barbell shrugs: 150 ibs
6) EZ barbell curls: 90 ibs
7) close grip bench press: 150ibs
8) deadlifts : 230 ibs (1 set of 10)

had a really hard time training today
cause i'm sick having a slight cough
irritrated throat & a drowsy feeling.

on e bright side e gym had less than
10 ppl today. dun ask me why but
seems like a party nite for them.
not for me.... suffering yet still training.
(colby2152 @ Nov. 30 2007,08:53)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">What reps are all those sets at? The curls seem fairly impressive.</div>
thanks. i'm now at 10 reps range
(1 more wk of those then move
to 5 reps)
wk 4 03 Dec 07 mon day 1

1) barbell squats: 150 ibs
2) incline barbell press: 130 ibs
3) pendlay rows: 110 ibs
4) front military press: 100 ibs
5) barbell shrugs: 150 ibs
6) EZ barbell curls: 90 ibs
7) close grip bench press: 150ibs
8) deadlifts : 240 ibs (1 set of 10)

having a tough time training today
due to my persistent cough
so my breathing is not constant
took longer to train. plus hard to concentrate.
wk 4 05 Dec 07 wed, day 2

suppose to train today but still coughing
badly &amp; heart was beating like a snail.
din want to push it &amp; risk getting out
of breath &amp; collapsing. so decide
to take another day off till fri.

better later than dead rite.
wk 4 07 Dec 07 fri, day 3

1) barbell squats: 160 ibs
2) incline barbell press: 140 ibs
3) pendlay rows: 120 ibs
4) front military press: 105 ibs
5) barbell shrugs: 150 ibs
6) EZ barbell curls: 95 ibs
7) close grip bench press: 160ibs
8) deadlifts : 250 ibs (1 set of 10)

finally got back to training today.
bout 80 mins today. pace was rather
slow as my heart was still trying to pick
up after the cough, recovery is now 90%

hope i recover faster over the weekend.

edit: should be wk 4
wk 4 07 Dec 07 fri, day 3

lunch time cardio
(will post later, left my cardio
log in e office)

but anyway did this as well during lunch
1) rear lat machine 50 ibs x 10 x 3
2) side lateral raises 10 kg x 15 x 3

edit: should be wk 4. lost my cardio log.
wk 5 10 Dec 07 mon, day 1
(3 sets of 5)

1) barbell squats: 165 ibs
2) incline barbell press: 145 ibs
3) pendlay rows: 120 ibs
4) front military press: 105 ibs
5) barbell shrugs: 165 ibs
6) EZ barbell curls: 95 ibs
7) close grip bench press: 165ibs
8) deadlift: 255 ibs (1 set of 5)

wanted to do cardio during lunch time
but electrical re-wiring was taking place
at the gym,so wires all over &amp; no power.
so... looks like i can't be doing cardio during
lunch for quite a while.
wk 5 12 Dec 07 wed, day 2
(3 sets of 5)

1) barbell squats: 175 ibs
2) incline barbell press: 150 ibs
3) pendlay rows: 125 ibs
4) front military press: 110 ibs
5) barbell shrugs: 175 ibs
6) EZ barbell curls: 95 ibs
7) close grip bench press: 175ibs

skip deadlifts today for longer rest for lower
back. did these couple ex in replacement

1) standing calf raise : 200 ibs x 8 x 3
2) standing side laterals: 12.5 kg x 10 x 3

been raining almost everyday here. hopefully
it dun affect the training spirit.
wk 5 14 Dec 07 Fri, day 3

finally e gym been done w e rewiring
installation so got to do my 1st cardio
of e wk.

same low impact cardio at 3mph &amp; flat incline
for 30 mins which only burned 100+ calories
over 2.27 km... but i was more concerned with
fat burning also did

1) rear lat machine 50 ibs x 12 x 3
2) standing side laterals: 15kg x 8 x 3
(the 12.5 kg seems to be getting a little light)
wk 5 14 Dec 07 fri, day 3
(3 sets of 5)

1) barbell squats: 185 ibs
2) incline barbell press: 155 ibs
3) pendlay rows: 135 ibs
4) front military press: 110 ibs
5) barbell shrugs: 185 ibs
6) close grip bench press: 185ibs
7) deadlifts: 275 ibs (1 set of 6)

8) alternate dumbbell curls: 10 kg x 8 x 3
9) standing calf raises: 240 ibs x 10 x 3
erm help help.
if now i dun wish to go further
into 4 rep &amp; 3 rep ranges
(cause now it's wk 7)
but wanna carry on my 5 reps range
so should i repeat everything like
eg. squat 120 ibs on mon, 130 ibs on wed
140 ibs on fri
just 140 ibs all e way for mon wed &amp; fri?
help help pls....
It looks like you've had a pretty good cycle so far. If you want to continue your fives, you can either stay with the weights you've been using, for another week or so, or perhaps increment a bit if you feel able.
wk 6 17 Dec 07 mon, day 1
(3 sets of 5)

1) barbell squats: 185 ibs
2) incline barbell press: 155 ibs
3) pendlay rows: 135 ibs
4) front military press: 110 ibs
5) barbell shrugs: 185 ibs
6) close grip bench press: 185ibs
7) deadlifts: 285 ibs (1 set of 5)

all poundages stay as per 3 sets of 5 last
week except for deadlift which i upped
by 10 ibs, i was aiming for 6 but could only
manage like 5 so....
(TunnelRat @ Dec. 17 2007,08:18)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">It looks like you've had a pretty good cycle so far. If you want to continue your fives, you can either stay with the weights you've been using, for another week or so, or perhaps increment a bit if you feel able.</div>
yeah tunnelrat, think i'll stick with the 5s poundages
but i think my diet din really made it cause i'm
still the same weight as the 2nd cycle.

do you guys actually gain weight with EACH
cycle? (cause the poundages go up by a bit
etc, so u eat more etc, u know all inter-linked)
wk 6 17 Dec 07 mon, day 1

cardio for monday.
slow threadmill walk (low intensity aerobics)
cals 170, time 31:30
dist 2.46km
wk 6 19 Dec 07 wed, day 2

got up of bed all cranky, grumpy &amp; irritated.
partly due to morrow being a public holiday
&amp; I still need to go to work &amp; my boss returns
from leave &amp; i need to run errands early in the
morning on a public holiday morrow. (family
commitments so gotta do it).

I do really wanna catch up on some sleep &amp; perhaps
sleep later as I&quot;m usually a morning person &amp; I can't
sleep once I'm awake. it's been this way since e last
few wks running errand early sun morning.

e climate has been nothing but rain rain rain &amp; i mean
really pouring &amp; it just makes the mood worse.

I can't train my usual poundages today as I gotta
do something at night, so it'll be a mad rush if I
were to go train in evening, go home, then go out

so later, i'll do my HST training in e office gym
&amp; i'll have to modify it with prob 2 sets of 10
(lunch time is only 1 hr) &amp; all they got are stupid
dumbbells &amp; a universal rack, heaviest dbs are
25 kg or 55ibs. guess i'll have to make do.

sorry for e bitching but i just feel like screaming now
wk 6 19 Dec 07 wed, day 2

e lunchtime alternative workout
(dumbbell weight is per hand)
1) dumbbell squats: 25 kg x 10 x2
2) dumbbell incline press: 25kg x 10 x 2
3) front lat pulldown: 120 ibs x 10 x 1
110 ibs x 10 x 1
4) dumbbell press: 17.5 kg x 10 x 2
5) machine shrugs: 150 ibs x 10 x 2 (not much feel)
6) triceps pressdown : 150ibs (whole stack) x 12 x 2
7) side lateral raises: 15 kg x 10 x 2
8) alternate dumbbell curls: 10 kg x 10 x 2

really exhausting but at least it's over. now
i can concentrate wat needs to be done later.
wk 6 21 Dec 07 fri, day 3
(3 sets of 5)

1) barbell squats: 185 ibs
2) incline barbell press: 155 ibs
3) pendlay rows: 135 ibs
4) front military press: 110 ibs
5) barbell shrugs: 185 ibs
6) close grip bench press: 185ibs

7) deadlifts: 275 ibs (1 set of 7)
dropped 10 ibs to try more reps &amp; better form
8) standing calf raise: 240 ibs x 8 x 3
9) barbell curl (just e bar) 45 ibs x 15 x2

din really feel like doing biceps so just wanna
get a pump. kinda pulled a back muscles in my
lower left lower region so dun wana further strain it.