sorry to post this bryan, but i'm not an official member of the street team, but due to our prior dealings (once again, thank you) i'm more than willing to promote this program on my school campus, if you want to make up a sample .pdf flyer or whatever, with fancy logos or anything, i'll download it, print it up and stick it around a few bulletin boards around the university of buffalo campus - i owe ya anyways
if not, within the next 2-3 weeks i'll make one up
big title: WANNA GET BIG (or something to that effect)
-website, a quick history, and i mean quick, no more than a paragraph or 2 worth of information
-that's about it
i'll stick up, maybe 20 around the school campus, including 3 in the actual gym itself.
just an idea for other college students out there

big title: WANNA GET BIG (or something to that effect)
-website, a quick history, and i mean quick, no more than a paragraph or 2 worth of information
-that's about it
i'll stick up, maybe 20 around the school campus, including 3 in the actual gym itself.
just an idea for other college students out there