your results with HST...

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To Abarlament: I measure every Sunday as soon as I wake up as well as weigh in.

To Dilsie: I eat 6 meals a day (supplement with Optimum Nutrition Whey Gold Standard). I eat small meals M-F then from Friday afternoon I do a technique called 'Zig Zag' where I increase my calories (clean). I carry over Zig-Zagging all day Saturday and then Sunday morning I weigh in and take measurements. I also have Sundays as my 'free' day so I would go bonkers out of my mind from small meals.

To Liegelord: I know the measurements sound freaky but this is the God honest truth. Even my wifey has noticed how big my upper body as gotten (this is from the same little lady that use to say I was too thin).

Truth be told though, I am not very strong in unit measurements (honestly...I think I didn't pay attention in school). So these measurements are prone to user error. As far as body fat, amazingly this is accurate. I use the Accu-Measure system and my BF as not deviated at all.

If I am doing something wrong or even if you can turn me to a site that can teach me about unit measurements (I'm serious as a heart attack), please correct me. I'm willing to learn.

One thing for body is changing and I don't think this is all fat.
(Bishop @ Mar. 27 2006,02:39)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">To Abarlament:  I measure every Sunday as soon as I wake up as well as weigh in.

To Dilsie:  I eat 6 meals a day (supplement with Optimum Nutrition Whey Gold Standard).  I eat small meals M-F then from Friday afternoon I do a technique called 'Zig Zag' where I increase my calories (clean).  I carry over Zig-Zagging all day Saturday and then Sunday morning I weigh in and take measurements.  I also have Sundays as my 'free' day so I would go bonkers out of my mind from small meals.  

To Liegelord:  I know the measurements sound freaky but this is the God honest truth.  Even my wifey has noticed how big my upper body as gotten (this is from the same little lady that use to say I was too thin).  

Truth be told though, I am not very strong in unit measurements (honestly...I think I didn't pay attention in school).  So these measurements are prone to user error.  As far as body fat, amazingly this is accurate.  I use the Accu-Measure system and my BF as not deviated at all.  

If I am doing something wrong or even if you can turn me to a site that can teach me about unit measurements (I'm serious as a heart attack), please correct me.  I'm willing to learn.  

One thing for body is changing and I don't think this is all fat.</div>

i would recommend having a lifting partner or wife take your measurments or take good notes on where you measr. each body part. 7lb gain in 2 weeks is alot but not as ridiculous as 9% bf loss (w/no loss in waist) with 4&quot;gain in fore arms and only 1&quot; gain in major musc. group like legs or back/chest. i think you just need some practice measr. in the same location ea. time under same conditions etc.

the bf numbers, o' where to begin. i personally dont put too much stock in them as they can be the most variable of variables. they are a tool, just like the measurments, you can use it to try and judge progress but as your example shows (i dont know if you or someone else took measr.) any % is possible.

seriously though, just take some good honest measr. now and stay on the sched. of same time, conditions etc. and use the mirror and/or pics to judge your progress

true story. i guy i know at the gym entered a 3 month better body contest they were sponsering. he was way out of shape but worked hard and went from 26%bf to 21%bf (their measurements). he liked it so when they started the next one a month later he signed up. at his initial weigh in they put him at 25% and told him they pinched him &quot;heavy&quot; on purpose.
you tell me? what good are any of these numbers. learn to do it yourself or use the mirror. its just a number.
Bishop: Yeah, you need to have someone measure you. also, post some pictures. I'm sure your forearms are not larger than your upper arms. Someone posted on the forum somewhere about a measuring tape called myotape

That may help with more accurate measurements. And please don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to discourage you. Accurate measurements help track progress.
Thanks everyone...Liegelord, I bought the self measuring tape from GNC. The only trouble of having wifey measure is that I get up real early while she is dozing off.
yes, to me it also sounds like overtraining and perhaps not enough sleep after workout..... even if we say &quot;ok, HST is not it&quot;.... if we follow any method that is based on progressive loading and without overtraining we should ALWAYS have some sort of gains..... but nothing sounds too weird
Just wanted to say that I hit my 5RM goal of 315lbs for squats a week early! I am pleased as punch as I have gone from a 5RM of 235lb to 315lb in 3 cycles.

I also managed deads of 365lb for 5 reps after my squats so I was pleased about that too.

I may push my squats up a little more before my cycle ends if I feel up to it but I really want to try for a bit more in my deads before the end of the cycle. I now have 405lbs in my sights, even if only for a few reps. When I think of it in terms of my bodyweight (about 2 x ) it doesn't sound very much but it certainly feels pretty heavy!
Thanks Liege! It feels great to get some PBs during post 5s.

For dips tonight I managed to get 3 sets of 5s using a 110lb dumbell. I thought I might only get three reps and then I was going to cluster and do negs, but I was chuffed when I got the whole 5 reps for the first set. And then I was really surprised that I got the second and the third sets. After that I decided to do a bunch of negs anyway just to finish off. My pecs and tris got a great pump.

I guess this is all the more surprising as my bodyweight has been steadily increasing this cycle too.

Friday will be deads day! I am hoping for 375 or maybe a little more. We'll see...
That measuring tape (link on looks pretty sweet... definitely easier and would help out taking measurements.

Thanks leigelord, I will get that later in the month!

Also, when it's come to results... I have been a stickler when it comes to measuring bodyfat, weight, and my daily caloric intake. However, I realized that I had one problem in my excel spreadsheet that most likely has effected my cutting process. I have been using the same activity multiplier for everyday. In some instances, this has thrown off my average TDEE by several hundered calories which explains why I have been sitting around 12%.


Fausto, let me know if you want me to send the new version of my spreadsheet to you.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Fausto, let me know if you want me to send the new version of my spreadsheet to you. </div>

Yes please! And...thanks!
Squat* 285 x5 - 325 x5
OHP 160 x3 - 170 x5
Chin +65 2x5 negs - +65 2x3 full reps, +2 negs
Dips +105 2x5 negs - Bench 280 2x3
RomDL 350 1x2 - DL 405 1x5

measurement.... start... end
l/r biceps.....15.4/15.5..... 15.5/15.6
quad............25.5/25.5..... 26.5/26.5
Results for my first HST cycle:

Biceps L 13, R 13
Chest 38 1/4
Waste 32 1/2
Thigh L 21 1/4, R 21 1/4
Calf L14 3/4, R 14 7/8
Shoulders 43

Biceps L 13 1/2, R 13 1/2 + 1/2 inch each!!
Chest 39 + 3/4 inch!!
Waste 32 1/2 No Change!!
Thigh L 22, R 22 +3/4 inch each!!
Calf L 14 7/8, R 14 7/8 + 1/8 on one.
Shoulders 43 No change*

* Wife says she thinks she may have measured wrong the first time, as I appear broader to her.

This is outstanding. I transitioned from a cutting diet to a bulking diet throughout the 15's and part of the 10's. Then, in the last week or so, I went to a semi-cutting, or zig-zag diet to prep for vacation. So, I only really bulked for about 5 weeks or so. My weight went from 148, up to 154, then back to 151.

Since I didn't eat big throughout, but still had size gains, I'm very pleased!
I just did my first &quot;test&quot; cycle with HST. *I* think I got some pretty good results since I did a three week cycle instead of six weeks.

After my first set of 15s:
Weight: 142.0
Left Biceps: 13&quot;
Right Biceps: 13.125&quot;
Left Thigh: 21&quot;
Right Thigh: 21&quot;

After my last set of 5s:
Weight: 144.8
Left Biceps: 13.625&quot;
Right Biceps: 13.5&quot;
Left Thigh: 21.625&quot;
Right Thigh: 22&quot;
(liegelord @ Jun. 03 2006,19:00)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Great results stevec!  And in only 3 weeks?  Awesome.  You should post your routine.</div>
Thanks! My routine's in this thread:
Finished First HST Cycle

If my results were good my guess is a combination of a few things. First, the fact that while I've been very, very active prior to, I hadn't actually lifted weights in close to a year (I train Brazilian jiu-jitsu and that's really enough of a workout, unless you want big manly muscles). Second, that I did two weeks of very, very sedentary SD prior to starting. Third, that this was my first time ever making sure that I took in vast amounts of protein and calories during the period I was working out.
I just looked at Vicious's cutomizing HST Thread. In it --a year ago ---I said my 1 rm bench max was 270lbs. Now a year later it is 300lbs!!!! and I do 4 reps with 275. Wow. I had though my progress has slowed. But not bad. Sure not over night progress. But DAM I am happy.

Sure I keep my records but shove them in a file but it is a mess and difficult to look at......the Vicous thread helped.
