OK guys here it is. First HST cycle results. I'm currently using the Scrawny to Brawny diet. Sorry about length, but it definitely gives you a bigger picture.
5'11" 24 years old
Before (Unflexed):
Upper Arm: 11" (shooting for 15"

Forearm: 11"
Wrist: 7"
Chest 36" (40"

Waist: 32"
Thigh: 21"
Calf: 13.5"
ankle: 9"
143lbs bf???
Upper Arms: 12.25
Forearm: 11.5
Wrist: 7"
Chest: 39"
Waist: 33.5" (waistline) 34.5" (Fat Line)
Thigh: 21.5"
Calve: 14.5"
Ankle: 9"
160 lbs bf??? I definitely gained some fat around my stomach, but it's not considerably. I have no problem losing weight so this shouldnt be an issue.
All my max's went up about 10-15% from where I started by the end of the cycle.
15rm (56% of 1RM)
10rm (72% of 1RM)
5rm (85% of 1RM)
3x a week workout
My exercise routine for the 8 weeks went like this:
W1: 2setsx15reps
W2: 2x15
W3: 2x10
W4: 2x10
W5: 3x5
W:6 2x5+1 dropset
W:7 2x5RM (couldn't do Negs)
W8: 2x5RM
Decondition Period - 14 days
Exercises are in order:
Leg Curl
Bench Press/Dips
Lat Pulldown/Chinups
Bent Over Rows/Seated Cable Row
DB Military Press
Incline DB Curl
Tricep Pushdown
Standing Calf Raise/ Push Calf Raise 2x15 (To failure or what I like to call burns like hell)
Decline Sit-Up with weight plate/Hanging Leg Raise
"/" = alternate from workout to workout or substitue.
My diet is as follows:
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
7-7:30am - protein+fat
1 cup egg whites
2 omega eggs
1/4 cup beans (substitute)
1 cup mixed vegetables (carrots, sliced peppers, onions, squash, tomatoes)
1/8 cup (25 grams) nuts add additional 1/8 cup on week 3
2 fish oil capsules
10-10:30am - p+f
1.5 cups Plain Yogurt (1 scoop protein powder mixed in) add 1 more scoop week 2
1/8 cup (25 grams) nuts add additional 1/8 cup on week 2
½ lb lean meat (hamburger,etc. ) 1 slice of cheese added to top
4oz Spinach Salad (1 teaspoon flax oil, 1 teaspoon of vinegar of choice)
2 fish oil capsules
½ lb lean meat (turkey sausage, etc.)
4oz Spinach Salad (1 teaspoon flax oil, 1 teaspoon of vinegar of choice)
1/8 cup (25 grams) nuts add additional 1/8 cup on week 3
6:45- liquid Protein+Carbs
Biotest Surge
7-8:30 liquid p+c
Biotest Surge
8:30 - liquid p+c
Biotest Surge
10:30-11pm- p+c
½ lb lean meat (chicken, etc.)
1/4 cup wild rice or Oats (raw)
4oz Spinach Salad (Add 1 apple or banana or orange, etc.)
2 fish oil capsules
additional meal of oats with fruit and eggs
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday
7-7:30am - p+f
1 cup egg whites
2 omega eggs
1/4 cup beans (substitute)
1 cup mixed vegetables (carrots, sliced peppers, onions, squash, tomatoes)
1/8 cup (25 grams) nuts add additional 1/8 cup on week 3
2 fish oil capsules
10-10:30am - p+f
1.5 cups Plain Yogurt (1 scoop protein powder mixed in) add 1 more scoop week 2
1/8 cup (25 grams) nuts add additional 1/8 cup on week 2
½ lb lean meat (hamburger,etc. ) 1 slice of cheese added to top
4oz Spinach Salad (1 teaspoon flax oil, 1 teaspoon of vinegar of choice)
2 fish oil capsules
½ lb lean meat (turkey sausage, etc.)
4oz Spinach Salad (1 teaspoon flax oil, 1 teaspoon of vinegar of choice)
1/8 cup (25 grams) nuts add additional 1/8 cup on week 3
7-7:30pm- p+c
½ lb lean meat (chicken, etc.)
4oz Spinach Salad (Add 1 apple or banana or orange, etc.)
1/8 cup (25 grams) nuts
2 fish oil capsules
9:30-10pm - p+c
1 cup egg whites
2 omega eggs (slice a cheese on top)
1 apple, orange, or banana