I just completed my 3rd cycle of HST (a period of 6 months) and here is my results.
172lbs (175lbs was highest, lost weight over holidays)
upper arm: 13.25" (+2.25"

chest: 41" (+5"

forearm: 12" (+1"

calve: 14.75" (+1.75"

thigh: 23" (+2"

neck: 16"
waist: 35-36" (+4-5"
Started at:
18% bf
All measurments are unflexed muscles:
Upper Arm: 11" (shooting for 15"

Forearm: 11"
Wrist: 7"
Chest 36" (40"

Waist: 32"
Thigh: 21"
Calf: 13.5"
ankle: 9"
Original Goal: To fill out my arms, chest, legs, and be able to see some abs. 180lbs 8% bf. This is more than likely impossible, being that I have crap genes, but that is why I am doing it. To prove it is possible.
This was accomplished on Three 2 month cycles of HST with a Full Body 3 times a week workout involving : Squats, Deadlifts, Bench, Lat Pulldown/Pull-ups, Bent Over Rows/Cable Row, DB Military Press, Shrugs with BB, Curls, Tricep Pushdown, Standing Calf Raise (w/Smith Machine), Flys, & Weighted Crunches. I worked out at home with a smitch machine, bench and free weights (Don't worry I only used the Smith Machine to hold the weight, everything was done free weight). The whole thing w/ 300lb weights and bar was $400. The routine was 2 weeks of 2 sets of 15 reps with a progressive increase in weight, then 2 weeks of 2 sets of 10 reps with a progressive increase in weight, then 2 weeks of 3 sets of 5 reps with a progressive increase in weight, then 2 weeks of 3 sets of 5 reps at 5rm, then 1 week off. I only missed one workout throughout the six months during Christmas. I had MAJOR increases in strength during this time. Starting with a 90lb bench and squat 5rm and ending at 150lb 5rm. I probably could have done more, but wanted to go by what Brian said, "add 10lbs to your next cycle RM, dont retest your 15rm, 10rm, & 5rm max for your next cycle"
My Diet was extremely strict and required me to eat 5-6 times a day every 3 hours. I held to this almost perfectly. Better than 90%. I cut back on calories in my 3rd cycle (less mix nuts) as I noticed my stomach was beginning to bulge too much and I was getting comments. I realize now I should have kept bulking. This was my diet:
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday (3900 calories)
7-7:30am - p+f
1 cup egg whites
2 omega eggs
1/4 cup beans (substitute)
1 cup mixed vegetables (carrots, sliced peppers, onions, squash, tomatoes)
1/8 cup (25 grams) nuts add additional 1/8 cup on week 3
2 fish oil capsules
Green tea with 5 grams of creatine
10-10:30am - p+f
1.5 cups Plain Yogurt (1 scoop protein powder mixed in) add 1 more scoop week 2
1/8 cup (25 grams) nuts add additional 1/8 cup on week 2
½ lb lean meat (hamburger,etc. ) 1 slice of cheese added to top
4oz Spinach Salad (1 teaspoon flax oil, 1 teaspoon of vinegar of choice)
2 fish oil capsules
½ lb lean meat (turkey sausage, etc.)
4oz Spinach Salad (1 teaspoon flax oil, 1 teaspoon of vinegar of choice)
1/8 cup (25 grams) nuts add additional 1/8 cup on week 3
6:45- liquid p+C
Weight Gainer 900 w/glutamine 2 scoops for 50 grams of carbs and 25 grams of protein
7-8:30 liquid p+c
Weight Gainer 900 w/glutamine 2 scoops for 50 grams of carbs and 25 grams of protein
8:30 - liquid p+c
Weight Gainer 900 w/glutamine 2 scoops for 50 grams of carbs and 25 grams of protein
10:30-11pm- p+c
½ lb lean meat (chicken, etc.)
1/4 cup wild rice or Oats (raw)
4oz Spinach Salad (Add 1 apple or banana or orange, etc.)
2 fish oil capsules
additional meal of oats with fruit and eggs
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday (3200 Calories)
7-7:30am - p+f
1 cup egg whites
2 omega eggs
1/4 cup beans (substitute)
1 cup mixed vegetables (carrots, sliced peppers, onions, squash, tomatoes)
1/8 cup (25 grams) nuts add additional 1/8 cup on week 3
2 fish oil capsule
Green tea with 5 grams of creatine
10-10:30am - p+f
1.5 cups Plain Yogurt 210 cal 25.5 g carbs 18g protein 4 grams fat (1 scoop protein powder mixed in 115 cal 24 g protein 2.5 g carbs) add 1 more scoop week 2
1/8 cup (25 grams) nuts add additional 1/8 cup on week 2 190 cal
½ lb lean meat (hamburger,etc. ) 1 slice of cheese added to top 120 cal 300 cal 50 g p
4oz Spinach Salad (1 teaspoon flax oil 45 cal, 1 teaspoon of vinegar of choice) 12 cal 1 g p10g c
2 fish oil capsules 10 cal
½ lb lean meat (turkey sausage, etc.)
4oz Spinach Salad (1 teaspoon flax oil, 1 teaspoon of vinegar of choice)
1/8 cup (25 grams) nuts add additional 1/8 cup on week 3
7-7:30pm- p+c
½ lb lean meat (chicken, etc.)
4oz Spinach Salad (Add 1 apple or banana or orange, etc.)
1/8 cup (25 grams) nuts
2 fish oil capsules
9:30-10pm - p+c
1 cup egg whites
2 omega eggs (slice a cheese on top)
1 apple, orange, or banana
Keeping this diet was the hardest thing ever. I had so many people trying to throw me off. I completely dedicated my life to just eating on time, then working and then going home and working out. My social life stopped for this 6 month period. It's nearly impossible to go out when you know you need to stuff your face in an hour and no restaurant is going to serve you what you need. I packed 3 lunches for work everyday and brought a microwave which I used to warm up the meals. I work at a computer so it was easy to work and eat at the same time. I know most people can't do this at their jobs, but I was lucky. The total expense on food and supplements was around $550 dollars a month.
Overall I'm pleased with the results. I wish I could have done a little bit better, but there's always more time. I'm thinking of doing a cutting cycle to get some of this extra fat off my stomach to see a little more abs for spring break, but I'm not sure. All I know is I hope I'll never be that skinny ever again.
I also wanted to thank everyone for your advice and encouragement (jvroig in paticular). I couldn't have done it without you.