I you wish you can send them directly to me at bryan@hsnhst.com[b said:Quote[/b] (BIZ @ Jan. 23 2003,7:44)]I have been doing HST for a while now. I am on my fifth cycle now, and I am pleased with the gains I have made. My problem is this: many people post great results, me included, but do not post any pics, me included. A few have such as Calkid and Andre and that is great, but for all the great results posted there is very little to back them up and I feel that is why many people question the validity of the claims. Mstoppa claims a 2.5" increase in arm size in 2 months and at first you go holy crap, but how the heck do we know that is true? We don't. If a guy wants to sell you a car over the internet and swears it's a cherry but has no proof, would you buy it blindly? I wouldn't. I am challenging everyone here to send in pics of your results, me as well, so we can put to bed the accusations that we HST'ers overexagerate our gains and prove ourselves to the naysayers.
*Make sure you stand in the same place and are the same distance from the camera for each pic. If not, you will obviously look bigger or smaller in the after pics. And by all means, flex your muscles for the pic. Relaxed poses do not show much.
I will then post "verified with photos" or whatever to show that your are not just posting for nothing, if you don't want people to see the pics. You can always cut off your head or something to keep yourself anonymous.
Also, don't be concerned about people thinking you are not big enough to know what you are doing/saying. Anybody with any real experience in bodybuilding knows how difficult it is to build muscle. Rather than mock, true lifters respect other people's efforts to put on real size regardless of how big they are.
I personally believe most of what I have read on this thread. Why? Because I have seen these types of results in my clients and friends. Even my female bodybuilder (natural) friends experience signficant growth after only one cycle. So I generally have no reason to doubt what I've read here. Nevertheless, BIZ makes a good point about nay-sayers. The think I've put everybody under some sort of Jedi mind trick to make you post positive results from HST.