New profile posts

Hi Blade,
After your first and second HST cycle, did you noticeably look larger? I read that you put on 10+ lbs. My goal is to eventually look like Spider-Man but for now it is to make my shirt stretch a bit more =] I've gained 6lbs in 4 weeks and am happy(but as always want results now).
Good evening,
I've been using Myo-reps since October 3, 2009. I'm 51 years old with unimpressive genetics. I have been working out over the years so I'm not brand new to weight lifting. Here are my stats on Oct. 3 and today. (Measurements are in pounds and inches.)

Oct. 3, 2009
Weight 126.5
Body fat 10%
Shoulders 42.25
Upper arms flexed 13
forearms 10
Chest 33.5
Chest inhaled 34.5
Waist 28.5
Hips 34
Calves 12.75
Thigh 19.5

March 20, 2010

Weight 141.5
Body fat 13%
Shoulders 44.25
Upper arms flexed 13.25
forearms 10.5
Chest 34.5
Chest inhaled 36
Waist 31.25
Hips 36.5
Calves 14
Thigh 21.5

Thank you for constructing such a sound and easy to use system.