2016 Log

DL; 5-200kg, 3-220kg, 1-240kg@8, 5x2-245kg@9-9.5.

Was time to raise the load for this day.

Went well, took a second or two to get glutes set properly.
Beltless FPDL; 3-200kg, 4x3-210kg@9-9.5.

HBBS; 3x3-120kg@n/a. Will just stick with front squats, felt lazy today.
DL; 3-200kg, 3-220kg, 1-249kg@8.5, 1,1-250kg@9.5, 10. Yeh that second single was dumb. 3x3-225kg8-8.5.

FSQ; 5-60kg, 3-80kg, 1-100kg, 1-110kg@7.5, 120kg@8, 1-125kg@9. Bringing these back as Bulgarian programming.
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FPDL; 4x3-200kg@7-7.5.

FSQ; 5-60kg, 3-80kg, 1-100kg@8, 1-110kg@8, 1-120kg@9.

Cheat rows; 5x3-140kg. Very light. Trying out a Cailer Woolam’s style.
3-200kg, 3-220kg, 5x2-240kg@9-9.5. Not recovered, think I’ll need to keep Wednesday free from lower body stuff.

FSQ; 1-100kg, 110kg, 120kg@8.
3-200kg, 3-225kg, 1-240kg@8, 1-250kg@9ish. 3x225kg@8-8.5.

First time in two years these have really felt great from a form point of view, when responding to cues etc. i.e. discounting days when they feel right but you don’t know why.
Squats are going up

Yeh, managing the left knee is always the catch with those.

One week or sometimes even a session with too much volume or slight form shift can make squatting a non-event for the next three weeks. Price of tearing that cartilage off I suppose.
Really strong on deadlifts and overhead presses. Do you ever take any physique photos or lifting video?
You’ve been on the forum so long, curious as to what you look like.
Really strong on deadlifts and overhead presses. Do you ever take any physique photos or lifting video?
You’ve been on the forum so long, curious as to what you look like.

Nah, never have. Take Browner and add 10-15kg of office job on top of it over the last two years. Diet in full effect.

Deadlift lifetime PR made it to 300kg before life factors.
FODL; 3-200kg, 3x3-210kg@8.5.

LBBS; 3x3-140kg@9.

Way under slept and under recovered. Squats were going to be 4x4@8.