Recent content by Elle

  1. E

    best times for cardio

    Most People will say first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, reason being is because your body is short on glycogen supply and will take only fat for fuel for the workout. The point of doing cardio is to alter your internal hormonal environment increasing your metabolism, not burning...
  2. E

    Should fish oil and CLA be taken on alternate days

    II can't see why it would be an issue, but then again I haven't seen the reports Ruhl refers to.  As far as I know, fish oil doesn't have any interactions with anything.
  3. E

    Should fish oil and CLA be taken on alternate days

    Why are you taking CLA? I have yet to find any convincing scientific evidence to suggest CLA fwokrs for fat loss except in lab rats and over-fat folks. CLA isn't very cost effective either as far as I'm concerned. You either have to take absurdly high doses or take low doses for really extended...
  4. E

    Firefighter Challenge

    3--> yeah, I understand that.  However, we were already knee deep into the HST thing when he came up with the idea of doing the challenge.  I feel it is mentally important for him to remain focused on and finish this round.  That leaves him with about 9 weeks (brief time off) pre-contest. I...
  5. E

    Firefighter Challenge

    I have a client, male, 44, 5’8”, 186#. He’s a firefighter/EMT. We’re currently doing HST (just starting the 5’s). He's got about 2 years of weight training behind him. On June 25th he would like to compete in the state firefighter combat challenge. I plan to start his training about 8 weeks out...
  6. E

    At the Arnold

    5--> What can I say?  They're in my backyard.  Yes    I'm a cheesehead ;) Here's another pic.
  7. E

    At the Arnold

  8. E

    At the Arnold

    It was great meeting you Bryan! I will post the pics when I get home. Elle
  9. E

    Who's going to the Arnold Classic this year?

    When I saw this {I wish I could go. The budget is just a little too tight this year.}, I was a bit upset since I just registered for the seminars today and you're on the agenda!   Looking forward to seeing you there.  
  10. E

    Health Essentials

    Psyllium Husks Blend it into your shakes and you won't even know it's there.
  11. E

    Buying Fish Oil, help...

    Health From the Sun is considered a reputable brand in the fish oil world. A small amount of vit. E is used to stabilize the fish oil as it oxidizes quickly.
  12. E

    Whey Protein Only

    You may find this thread interesting....