Compacting a Cycle


New Member
My gym membership expires on July 25th, and I'm just now beginning the 5s. I'd also like to do 2 weeks of negatives this cycle, but I obviously won't have time. Is it possible to compact the 5s? If my current frequency is 5x a week, that will be 10 total workouts for the 5 rep block.. Could I just workout everyday from now until the expiration.. that way I could get all of my 5s done and most of the negatives. Or will that not allow enough time for my muscles to rest?

I won't have access to a gym again until I begin university in early september. Should I just take all of August off as SD? That seems a little long for SD, I don't want to lose any gains.
I don't see any problem with compacting the rest of the cycle, given your situation. If you workout every day until your gym membership expires, just be careful that you don't overdo it and make sure that you increase your calories slightly.