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  1. Old and Grey

    Off-topic - Trump

    All the liberals would suddenly all have 50 landlines! Gotta stack the book.
  2. Old and Grey

    The Other Side Of The Equation

    This older study confirms that recovery from a given strength training workout is slower in untrained than in trained individuals, most likely because of greater muscle damage occurring. Although this may appear intuitive, the finding should not be overlooked. Greater muscle damage will...
  3. Old and Grey

    The Other Side Of The Equation

    I would not base my workout on this study. It used only "young untrained males". To me that means someone probably about college age who is not a 300 pound sloth and has probably been active in sports or running or biking or other normal activities that use the quads quite a bit but not...
  4. Old and Grey

    The Other Side Of The Equation

    Chew on this:
  5. Old and Grey

    Off-topic - Trump

    It is a good thing that Hillary and Bill never broke any laws. Nor Pelosi, Schumer or Waters. And then there is Princess Hiawatha. To speak nothing of Nixon! They are all thieves and crooks. Every last one of the scumbags.:D
  6. Old and Grey

    Support For Higher Reps For Myo Reps

    My experience is that calves need high reps to grow. 5X5 never cut it for me. 25 to 30 reps did followed by myo rep sets of about 15 reps to failure. Also, one day after talking to Mike Katz, I added 90 pounds to my starting weight and found I could still hit my target reps. Try it. You may be...
  7. Old and Grey

    Support For Higher Reps For Myo Reps

    Most people can actually add a significant amount of weight when using calf raises without compromising the number of reps. Perhaps you are not using enough weight to begin with?
  8. Old and Grey

    Support For Higher Reps For Myo Reps

    I believe that this supports using Myo Reps for high rep sets and not heavy reps:
  9. Old and Grey

    It's Time.

    Well put Sci. I would also insert the word "working" before "sets" in the first sentence of your quote Jonny.
  10. Old and Grey

    Off-topic - Trump

    Hillary was despised, arrogant and mistrusted as the perpetrator of so many suspected crimes that Trump was simply the lessor of two evils. He wasn't particularly wanted but he was the only viable alternative. America is sick of career politicians and Trump could be a pretty good president for...
  11. Old and Grey

    Frequency 2x Per Week Vs 3x And Question About Muscle Hyperplasia

    Actually it underscores the premise of HST with a capital H. I just wish they had gone to 3 workouts per week. It is still unclear as to whether 2 or 3 is better given a static set of circumstances.
  12. Old and Grey

    Frequency 2x Per Week Vs 3x And Question About Muscle Hyperplasia

    Yes, and, of course, everything is dependent on volume and intensity. Once you hit the point of diminishing returns in a workout, doing more will cause more neural harm than hypertrophy good and require a wasteful longer recovery period. For me that maximum effective point is about 3 sets of myo...
  13. Old and Grey

    Frequency 2x Per Week Vs 3x And Question About Muscle Hyperplasia

    Strength recovery is probably recovered sufficiently in 48 hours to train a muscle again. I assumed, apparently incorrectly, that when you said "incapacitated on performance too much" you were referring to down and out CNS overload and my answer was based on that and not on strength recovery...
  14. Old and Grey

    Frequency 2x Per Week Vs 3x And Question About Muscle Hyperplasia

    You can train but you likely will see minimal results and if you keep that up, you will be more susceptible to colds, viruses, etc. as well as soft tissue injuries, especially if you are lifting heavier weights.
  15. Old and Grey

    Frequency 2x Per Week Vs 3x And Question About Muscle Hyperplasia

    I have usually touted frequency as the key to success. I still believe that for younger people, say under 40. However, I now find at age 73 that 2 1/2 times per week for each body part to be ideal. Probably has to do with recoverability. Although the volume was too high to be comparable to...
  16. Old and Grey

    Upcoming Article In T Nation

    Charles is a pretty straight shooter. He just did not read enough of your articles to complete the circle.
  17. Old and Grey

    Upcoming Article In T Nation

    This article is fairly good in that it identifies "effective" reps but falls short by not introducing Myo Reps. In effect, Charles forget to add efficiency into the equation. 3 Ways to Minimize Junk Training Economize Your Workouts for Maximum Gains by Charles Staley | Today Not many...
  18. Old and Grey

    Old But Still Valid

    My term for guys who do half reps at double speed and basically dropping the weights with little control on the eccentrics trying to look stronger than they really are to impress gym buddies and ladies but getting little results. Easy to spot as they usually have 12" arms and 34" chests but walk...
  19. Old and Grey

    Frequency 2x Per Week Vs 3x And Question About Muscle Hyperplasia

    Simply put, more continued muscle protein synthesis in choice B means more muscle growth even if you changed your example to the original Bro-style of lifting and did 3 sets in choice A per workout. Approximate same monthly volume but different results.