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  1. leonardopm

    Rethinking Hst

    Indeed. I thought the exact same way, however I believe Rihad was right when said "may not be". Obviously his advices were tested on himself and his clients, so we have a mix of assisted and natural trainers. In other words, take his (good) advices with a grain of salt.
  2. leonardopm

    Recovery & Return To 600

    You've got mail.
  3. leonardopm

    Myo Reps explained in plain English

    It's a good suggestion, no doubt, but I prefer to focus on RPE because strength levels can oscilate from day to day...
  4. leonardopm

    Recovery & Return To 600

    Stop Jester, you are humiliating me. Rehab on 180kg deads?! It's not even my max...
  5. leonardopm

    Rethinking Hst

    Interesting. By the way...255lbs at 6' and 8%BF? This guy used to be a monster, even on AAS. Despite that, I found his articles interesting, maybe the myo-reps being the most one. I tried it on the last three sessions and as Mick said it has potential to burn out quickly, so I worked to stay...
  6. leonardopm

    Rethinking Hst Just to start. You can find other articles on Google also.
  7. leonardopm

    Rethinking Hst

    In this meantime we can read the posts from Blade. I have found a lot of stuff from him on the web. Good advices...
  8. leonardopm

    Rethinking Hst

    Considering his last three posts were on 2010, 2012 and 2014 we can expect new posts around 2016...
  9. leonardopm

    Rethinking Hst

    If you have good flexibility, a bigger caliper (spring loaded type) and a mirror you can actually take subscapular folder.
  10. leonardopm

    Rethinking Hst

    How are you doing on the new experiment?
  11. leonardopm

    Starting First Hst Cycle

    Right. I believe you may benefit someway changing ranges but don't get too serious on it. There's very little difference. I suggested 12-8-6 to my wife only because she's dieting (so a lower limit to keep loads higher and spare muscle) and I don't want to submit her to 5RM loads. I see these...
  12. leonardopm

    mickc1965 training log

    Very good. did you track %BF variations? Any idea of your current p-ratio?
  13. leonardopm

    Starting First Hst Cycle

    As advised on the ebook you should avoid 15's when cutting. The load isn't enough to induce the body to keep muscle tissue. As far as I know 10's are ok on a cut.
  14. leonardopm

    Myo Reps explained in plain English

    Overtraining is a real concern but I also think you can manage it by using RPE and avoiding to work very close to failure. I decided to ignore only one piece of Blade's advice and applied Myo-reps to deadlift. It was fantastic.
  15. leonardopm

    Myo Reps explained in plain English

    After reading the original article by Blade I decided to try it today. It's more demanding than a conventional set workout but I liked very much. Will try some more.
  16. leonardopm

    A Different Way Of Employing Hst...?

    Sounds a bit complicated but also interesting. I tend to like scientifical approaches. Will read carefully. Thanks.
  17. leonardopm

    Leonardopm's Bulking Log

    01/12/2015 DL 10,7,3 184lbs Bench press 10,10 140lbs Pulldowns 10,10, 180 lbs Squat 10,10 158lbs Facepulls 12,12 88 lbs OHP 10,8,2 75lbs Ok, actually around 670lbs@1RM on the big three (BP, DL and Squat). I'm fixing TODAY my 2015 goal that is reach 850lbs@1RM until end of year. Alea...
  18. leonardopm

    A Different Way Of Employing Hst...?

    Indeed. That's another huge benefit I didn't realized earlier. It has been always a hassle to choose between 10 or 20 reps total, or whatever combination of sets and reps. It's a perfect approach for my current point in the cycle. The first week on 10's easily allows 2 x 10 reps on every lift...
  19. leonardopm

    A Different Way Of Employing Hst...?

    So, after reading your explanation I realized I misunderstood the clustering concept. I always thought I should bang reps until failure and then proceed with clustering to fulfill the volume required. I overlooked an extreme important factor that is RPE (or any other fatigue diagnosis method one...
  20. leonardopm

    Recovery & Return To 600

    Good to hear it. I also dropped direct arm work nearly 6 months ago. Sometimes I would miss the pump from a good set of heavy curls but I'm living with that and recovery is much better now. What do you consider a relatively close OHP grip? I'm actually using a slightly larger than shoulder...