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  1. K

    O.K. lame question:

    Holy crapolly Batman, 150g is less than I eat when bulking. Now I know where things are going wrong. You know what this means tho, I finally have to give the Zone the shake and suffer like the rest of you
  2. K

    Timing of workouts and meals

    Everything I read here is different to what I have always read! Good thing about this place is if I am wrong someone like Bryan, Aaron, Blade, Jules, Edziu (hint guys) will call it.
  3. K

    Timing of workouts and meals

    Even without the partioning there does not seem to be any difference with regard to fat gain. Carbs/calories late at night/ before bed don't get stored because your less active. Total calories over the day is what is important.
  4. K

    O.K. lame question:

    Well I am not having any trouble with major muscle loss and I even out did my 15 rms, but I keep seeing this 1g/pd whether dieting or gaining. I eat Zone diet so automatically to get low enough cals for fat loss my protein comes down to keep ratios correct. Now, I dont see any magic in the ZOne...
  5. K

    O.K. lame question:

    I have been eating 120 grams (LBM = 145 and total weight=158) I am losing ~1 pd/wk. But I am wondering if protein should still be set at 1g/pd or (1g/pd LBM minimum) considering that by nature of dieting carbs are lowish (~150g) and catabolism is higher? I can tell yet whether I am losing any...
  6. K

    should we drink a shake before bed to grow muscle?

    You'll want some carbs in there, they're anti catibolic and no, they won't get stored as fat I use whole food, milk just wakes me for pee during the night :D
  7. K

    Cheat Meal Option

    Are we talking one cheat meal or a proper refeed? Refeed-starting a meal before Fridays workout and continuing high carb/mod pro/low fat for 12 hours is a general idea. For one 'cheat meal'- have it as your first main meal after post-workout shake after Fridays workout.
  8. K

    Basic dieting help required please..

    If you can get cut on 3500 cals my hat's off to ya Or maybe my metabolism really is shot! You have about 150 pounds LBM. Usual place to start is dropping 500 cals from maintainence (~12-15*BW) That is about 2100-2600 cals for you. Then you need to adjust up or down depending on how much you...
  9. K

    Eating more..

    :confused: :) :D
  10. K

    calories for hst cycle

    It is normal to accept a bit of fat gain to get the greatest amount of growth. a 2:1 muscle/fat ratio is good. It is hard to get exactly perfect calories to grow optimally and maintain BF. Even so, you could calorie cycle day to day as Blade mentioned, making sure to get most calories around...
  11. K

    calories for hst cycle

    245g protein is at the high end for a 200 pounder. Unless your 5% BF or on AAS that could be a bit of a waste. If you are gaining too much fat you could drop calories across the board and reconfigure percentages as per Bryan's article. Depending on how much fat is gaining you could drop 200-400...
  12. K

    your results with HST...

    ...and now you have some glutes to hold your shorts up :D Well done
  13. K

    cottage cheese

    I buy it in a garden salad variety. Hmmmm....I add chives to plain stuff. them chives :D That's about the extaent of my cooking!
  14. K

    Where to get Cod Liver Oil

    I use a brand called Melrose (not sure if it is available outside Oz ) It is cold pressed, packed in dark glass vacuum sealed bottle, and does not taste very fishy at all. It is good enough to swig from the bottle.
  15. K

    HST and Dr. Sears' Zone Diet

    Forgot to add this. Jules and I came up with a good option plan that may be better optimized for building muscle but zoning 90% of the time.
  16. K

    HST and Dr. Sears' Zone Diet

    I have 'Zoned' full time for about 7 yeras or so. I cant change, I get all the proposed benefits 'as written'! Can't say that I grow at lightning pace, but I never have under any circumstances. Sears' recommends adding slightly more protein (and carbs, to keep the p/c ratio) then adding...
  17. K


    Well someone has to try these things! While I have adopted your idea of DB upright Rows, I think I'll pass on this one ;) Welcome back tho
  18. K


    He is Ferengi!
  19. K

    Ketogenic diet

    ZMT, I had a look at the NHE site you posted. Looks like a good plan that is sustainable long term and easy to follow. Regardless of what is nutritionally optimal, a healthy diet has to be 'doable'. Sounds like you found a winner Good luck.
  20. K

    Ketogenic diet

    It's all about the calories, but if you want to walk around with stinky breath, all the power to ya