Some kind of animal protein would be better. You want something with slow absorption at that time, not fast. I eat a can of sardines or a few whole eggs.
try mixing a shake of 300 ml.nonfatmilk with about 40 grams caseinproteinpowder and some soft fruit.
i personally like a 450 gram box of nonfat-cottagecheese ( no further additions ) just before bedtime. delivers around 50 grams of slow absorbed protein, without too many calories.
A shake or fluid should come second to a solid protein source before bedtime. E.g. white or red meat would digest sufficiently slow. Or have some fat with your casein-shake. Some bodybuilders insist on getting up during the night and having additional protein then...
If you read this interview with Dr. Peter Lemon, the guy considered the "guru" of higher protein intake for strength athletes, he suggests that catabolism might be "part of the process" when asked about eating at night. Seems a little obsessive to eat overnight: