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    Do you get the same effect from drinking milk?
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    Ultimate Diet 2.0

    Pretty sure that would be illegal..... :confused:
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    Don't want to start anything

    I am very certain that Vince understands that HST is not a routine, as he is aware of the reasons for using varying rep schemes. He is a knowledgable guy, he just has his own philosophies about things, which there is nothing wrong with. He doesn't need any explanations.
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    Don't want to start anything

    iceman0625, Sounds to me like you aren't sold on HST because you have no idea what it is. Maybe you should take a look around this site and figure out what you're doing, because if you are in the gym that long then you are doing something really wrong.
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    Switching from UD2 training to Hypertrophy

    I'm not sure I understand your last question completely, but if you are asking if you should SD then the answer is definitely yes. I would take at least 10 or so days off before starting back with the 15's.
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    hyperthetical question

    I seem to remember an old post by Bryan stating that you could probably maintain by only doing one set a week and keeping calories at maintenance.
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    What is this advanced HST schedule

    Maybe you should look around and read some things, first. You can learn about different routines and a whole lot more. There is a lot of information around this site, but a good place to start would be the FAQ's. Have fun!!
  8. B

    Hi I have some questions !!!

    Oh, by no means was I suggesting that I think he should attempt an everyday type routine at this point. Actually, I was just making sure that you and anyone else who might stumble across this thread knows that there are many ways to approach an HST routine, and that a 6x a week routine was not...
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    Cutting and SDing

    Simply stated, SD is not the best idea when cutting because calories are low. When one is restricting calories, muscle gain shouldn't really be a primary goal anyways, but more the prevention of muscle loss due to lower energy intake. My only question is if you are doing HST, why haven't you SD'd?
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    Hi I have some questions !!!

    It isn't said anywhere that you must rest a muscle for at least 36hrs. For myself and at least a few others, I have found that my body seems to prefer full body workouts 6x a week. You can work a muscle everyday if you wish, you just must keep a close eye on overtraining and energy intake. After...
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    It is discussed in the FAQ why preWO is the best time to dose creatine.
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    Some more questions

    Not really the right idea.... When you are cutting calories are low, yes? If you are not weight training, the lack of energy supply is going to increase the amount of muscle loss. You need that stimulus to prevent, or at the very least keep to a minimum, the amount of loss that will occur.
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    Some more questions

    All of the answers to your questions can be found in the FAQ. Maybe you should read it one more time. If you are still employing a cutting diet, I would not advise SD if even for only a week. But if you have decided to switch to a bulking version, it would be ok but you should take a full SD...
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    Best time to dose creatine is pre-WO, so I don't think there is anything better to mix it with than my PreWO shake. Throw in about 30g of dextrose and you're set.
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    steroid cycle & HST

    Why in the world would you SD while you are on cycle? Makes no sense at all. Volume and frequency should be increased as well.
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    steroid cycle & HST

    Why in the world would you SD while you are on cycle? Makes no sense at all. Volume and frequency should be increased as well.
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    steroid cycle & HST

    1)  Do a search and read the FAQ's, that's why they're there. 2)  How old are you and how long have you been working out? 3)  Research more into proper cycling because what you have proposed is looking pretty bad.
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    steroid cycle & HST

    1)  Do a search and read the FAQ's, that's why they're there. 2)  How old are you and how long have you been working out? 3)  Research more into proper cycling because what you have proposed is looking pretty bad.