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  1. B

    steroid cycle & HST

    I hate computers!!
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    yup powerlifters are only fat bastards

    Are you sure it is a muscle? Sounds like it could be a sist. A couple of years back, a buddy of mine had one of those in his forearm and it somehow got all infected and inflamed. Got kinda nasty. You might want to have it checked out....
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    Cheerios vs. Oatmeal

    Of course I realize this... The point I was getting at was that even if they are processed, they have just as many calories per gram that does oatmeal. And, in the end, this is all that is going to matter anyways. Plus, if they are consumed along with protein and fat, digestion will be slowed...
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    Cheerios vs. Oatmeal

    You will not notice one bit of difference if you choose not to eat processed carbs. They have calories just like any other carb.
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    Male Enhancement;f=4;t=259;hl=penis Sorry for the screwed up link, my computer is being crazy right now, but that is the thread mentioned before. Funny subject true, but interesting information at the same time.
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    I really don't think it wise to view HST as a "routine." Instead, it is simply a set of training principles, that based on scientific data, is best for producing hypertrophy. Unfortunately, it would be impossible to configure some kind of "one size fits all" HST routine, as...
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    yup powerlifters are only fat bastards

    6--> LOL     That's funny right there, I don't care who you are!!  But seriously, that dude is obviously on some serious AAS. A transformation like that isn't too hard with some Trenbolone and Winstrol thrown in the mix.
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    Male Enhancement

    Just another scam....the pills don't work. But there is a thread around here somewhere that discusses elargement "techniques." Try doing a search.
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    Nitric Oxide

    MRI (Medical Research Institute) is a sham company founded by Ed Byrd, who is also the NO "guru" who first introduced NO2. Of course he is going to make all kinds of outrageous claims about his supplements, and any "tests" he performed showing it to be useful for hyperplasia...
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    Ultimate Diet 2.0

    I think Lyle said it best: if you don't do the UD2 workouts, you aren't doing UD2.
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    Nitric Oxide

    To my understanding, NO supplementation is not trying to achieve increased satellite cell activation, but instead to increase delivery of nutrients to cells via hemodilation. And I have not read even one study that has ever related arginine supplementation to hyperplasia, or even hypertrophy for...
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    Secretagogue, HGH

    It's crap, dude, as are all other "GH stimulating" supplements.
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    What is the minimum effective RM for muscle

    I don't think that can be could it? Strength will invariably differ from person to person.
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    The bottom line is, some people require more sleep some less. Bryan had said before that as long as your energy levels are ok, you are probably getting enough sleep.
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    haha no. Don't put too much value into ANYTHING you read over there....
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    Do milk have anabolic value

    No, you will not grow on milk like you grow on steroids.
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    Newbie Q's Help!!!!

    Didn't you say that you anticipate gaining back some previous strength? Either way, like I said above, it isn't necessary to go to failure to induce growth response so don't worry about it so much. It's ok to use lighter weights, especailly if you use proper form.
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    Newbie Q's Help!!!!

    What question about the max?
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    Newbie Q's Help!!!!

    You need to SD again after finding your maxes. If you think you will regain some strenght, then you may want to make your maxes one increment higher than you tested. But remember, failure is not necessary for growth.
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    Started too early

    hahaha why would it make any difference what days of the week you choose to do your routine? The frequency is the same either way you described.... :)